- At 78 years old, former President Donald Trump is now the oldest nominee running for president.
- Joe Biden, 81, dropped out of the race on Sunday and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, 59.
- If she becomes the Democratic nominee, Harris’ age could be an advantage against Trump.
He should drop out.
Old sleepy Don. They call him the incoherent rambler. Everyone is saying it.
They call him the incoherent rambler. Everyone is saying it.
And everyone really is saying it, too
I’m saying it right now.
Many people have been saying it for a long time, folks
The best people.
Hell, he’s probably saying it, too
I have the biggest cognitive decline, just tremendous, all the doctors are saying it, they’re saying “sir, your cognitive decline has been faster than I’ve seen in anyone else.” I make no sense at all, it’s amazing folks
Careful there. Next thing you know all his cult followers will be running around in straitjackets as a show of support.
Mr. TrumpSIR, your cognitive decline has been faster than I’ve seen in anyone else.Ha yeah true that’s much closer to the real thing. Gonna shamelessly edit that in
Dementia Don is my vote.
As a nickname, yes. For POTUS, hell no.
Oh of course. I just know he does the alliteration thing for insulting others because he’s dumb and his base is too. Which unfortunately makes it effective.
So giving ole Diaper Don some alliterative handles is both too easy and fun. There are tons of options and I’m sure Dumbass Don would love to hear them all.
Don poorleone apparently really irks him.
Fantastic choice. I keep forgetting that one.
I didn’t know this one, so I looked it up: https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/why-are-people-calling-donald-trump-don-poorleone-the-viral-nickname-explained
Target Practice Trump.
Solid clarification!
I prefer Drowsy Don but I’m all in on whatever all y’all decide as long as it has alliteration.
I like Diaper Don.
It suggests he’s a crybaby. It ties in with sleepiness because babies get sleepy too. It implies the loss of control over his body, which also suggests his mind is also probably going. It makes you wonder if he’s walking around with shit in his pants. And, it’s hard for them to refute.
Loaded phrase
I think Don-OLD Trump is simple and effective.
Tapioca Trump
Everybody’s talking about how they can’t even see the tears in his eyes cuz it looks like his eyelids are practically sewn shut
Hell, he probably said it himself during that interminable incoherent ramble he called an acceptance speech. Nobody noticed because everyone’s ears had gone numb by then.
He should drop dead.
Beat me to it. Yup - he should drop dead and then rest in piss.
He’s already having issues with his speech and he keeps doing these weird tangential rants that don’t make any sense.
He has been doing this aince 2016 and it has only gotten worse!
Rants! Tangentia–You know, the Weirdest tangents–I gave another speech last week–not at the RNC–No I said the great Hannibal Lecter couldn’t have said it better than me! The best! Hot dogs! Away we go and nobody–you know nobody!–does cognitive like me! Just think about that for a second. Four years! Four more years! The best tangents! The most rambling! Sleepy…
As much as I hate trump. I’d rather have that narcissistic shit of a useful idiot sitting between us and Vance if that fucking fascist ever gets near that seat.
That guy is everything wrong with trump wrapped up in a more emotionally intelligent, sharper, more charismatic, more attractive, and younger package.
He’s the exact sort of motherfucker I’ve been expecting them to push after him to take advantage of the path he created, and its fucking terrifying.
There is no way anyone would be able to convince Trump to drop out. He decided in 2019 that he was entitled to a second term. He’s not going to change his mind now.
It’s all or bust for trump. White house or jail.
Not sure that’s the case anymore, unfortunately
It may take longer to get him in jail even when he loses but Harris may be able to help get him there after she wins, especially with some serious SCOTUS reform. People need to vote BLUE down the ballot!
White House or big house
I don’t think Trump has the stature of someone who’s overcome a social disability. That guy oozes neurotypical privilege.
I think Kamala should take Trump up on that cognitive test offer he wanted to take with Biden.
and golf match
(edit: see below for better suggestions)
Nah, fuck a golf match. Who gives a shit about golf?
Donald does. And he would not take losing well.
That’s why he will never do it.
If he’s not willing to do what it takes to be elected, he should just quit now.
Don would definitely be Shooter “I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast” McGavin in this scenario.
Stay outta my way…
Are you saying he eats pieces of shit?
… … … NO!
Old people?
No carts
Final destination only
And it’s hosted in Alabama.
And not the Gulf Shores. Central Alabama. Home of 183% humidity.
Hey I’m there and I agree, right here right now would be a hilarious time to see him try to play golf
As your neighbor slightly to the north, you have my deepest sympathies. My aunt had to find temp housing up in Michigan cause it’s too hot, even with the AC on blast.
Funnily enough she’s staying with this gay couple that rented out their basement to her.
Her KKK husband must be running in his grave, cause they seem to be getting along great!
It doesn’t get that unpleasant in Indiana very often, but I live near a golf course and I’ve seen golfers out in recent weeks both when it was in the 90s but felt like over 110 with the humidity and not a cloud in the sky and also when it was thunderstorming.
Apparently there are some very dedicated, but stupid, golfers out there.
And boxing match
This gave me celebrity deathmatch flashbacks 😂
It’s sad they never tried to reboot this, it was such good TV. I assume there’s a pretty good reason for it but I would watch the shot out of it.
PSA, you can find a few CD episodes on the MTV Vault YouTube channel. Also, fuck YouTube.
Bare knuckle boxing
Not only is he the oldest, but he’s also the facist-est cadidate.
And racist-est and misogynist-est and felonious-est and corruptest and…
I’m not sure if we can call him the raciest-est, president, some of them literally owned slaves.
Presidents today are so PC. They can’t even own slaves anymore.
Presidents today have never made any gestures toward amending that bit in the 13 amendment that still allows for slavery with extra steps. Even the ones that won a Nobel peace prize.
Father Coughlin is probably kicking himself in hell for never running for president.
Usually I don’t care about simple errors but cadidate got me.
I mised a letter. Sew me.
I meant it made me laugh, sweetie!
-Republicans who are NOT in a Cult and complained about Joe Biden’s age for the last 6 months!
I mean, for those people, age doesn’t matter for a lot of things.
I want a president that doesn’t have dementia, isn’t a racist, is not a rapist, and doesn’t have 34 felonies. One that didn’t bang a porn star for an obscene amount of campaign fund money while their wife was home pregnant. Bonus points for not shitting their pants and having to wear diapers. (not the look I want representing our great country, some fat smelling like shit orange buffoon.)
Would you like one that respects the democratic result of an election and hands over power to their successor peacefully? One that didn’t promise to be dictator from day one this time? Would you like senators that don’t write “finish them” on Israeli bombs?
Do you think Harris is more likely to distance her administration from Israel? (Actually asking)
This isnt a bad start, at least.
Would it help if he gathered some more felonies? Is it the number you’re against or that he has any? He could easily horde some more!
Not that easy with the Supreme Court running defense for him, friendly judges straight dismissing cases, and the Georgia prosecutors unable to keeping it in their pants.
And that’s before all the laws he broke… And trying to undermine the American constitution… And the changing the system so he could be immune.
Let’s not forget those things too.
On TOP! Of him being far too old.
Too old, he’s unelectable
He was unelectable in 2016, and yet he scraped through in the electoral college. Admittedly Hillary Clinton beat him for total number of votes, so he was already a bit of a loser then. Oh - remember when he claimed his inauguration was more popular than Obama’s and then they showed the photos and his crowd was just tiny by comparison! He’s so insecure. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2017/03/Untitled-1.jpg
Obama brought hope, he brought hum… hate ?
What I find most mad is that Kamala Harris is nearing retirement age for many industries - yet compared to many in her line of work she seems like she’s in her thirties and has a whole new career ahead of her.
Remember back in 2001 when everyone freaked out at Cheney’s age? He was 60. Our “young” potential candidate is 59.