Yup, but fuck Epic and their shitty launcher. I’ll never use it even for free games, never mind exclusives.
Gemini is fucking abysmal, Google should be embarrassed.
Gee, I wonder if trying to force people to use Epic had anything to do with it…
I’ve used co-pilot too: Not impressed. AI is largely unreliable garbage, at least at the moment.
Why would he need to if they’re already effectively in his pocket?
Flatout can plug some pretty bad damage, if you look up video demos on YouTube there are people literally using drill bits on their tires and still being able to ride.
If you were going to categorize them, they’d fall under the distinct category of solid tires IMO
These days Flatout is pretty much the go-to for tube sealant, but if I recall, it was more tan colored?
Look up “commercial displays” - that’ll get you what you’re looking for!
This is why we can’t have nice things…
Check out commercial displays, they’re more expensive but higher quality and don’t do anything creepy.
Thanks, I hate it!
You can still put a tube in a tubeless bike FYI, many people who ride tubeless still keep a tube or two as an emergency backup.
I run TA inserts on my electric fatbike: Slows things down a decent amount, but I have not gotten any sort of flat since installing them.
Not sure that would really be classified as “tubeless” though they technically are without tubes, those are usually classified s solid tires if you’re talking about the actual tires they make and not the inserts (though the inserts do give me run-flat, which isn’t too terrible).
I’ve run Flatout in mine and it works great, but from what I’ve heard, Slime sucks.
Just keep doing the Fediverse favors Steve!