You’re free to post them here. Here’s one to get you started.
You’re free to post them here. Here’s one to get you started.
I didn’t expect that
No that’s just hip marketing. There is one instance (and technically a way to host personal data that nonetheless requires creating an account through the main service). The code is open though.
If anyone is interested in decentralized micro-blogging, there is Mastodon, and if you are interested in short form video there is Loops.
Loops is not yet decentralized, but it is based on ActivityPub and planned for open-sourcing and federation after Beta testing. The creator is an established developer in the community, so the claim seems credible.
I was in a book club as a kid so now I have a first edition of Game of Thrones.
Gee whiz, I’m a cryptic ass-eating turtle demon of the river! Now I’ll be remembered for millennia as “that weird creature with the bald haircut.”
This government has failed repeatedly to maintain the most basic safety and order. Really a shame to see a country that was on the right track now falling apart.
Make America China Again?
I usually keep it in the “icon” view which is pretty space efficient. When you activate the vertical tabs, it also generates a toggle at the top of the window that lets you expand the tabs. I find it is better on smaller screens than the standard horizontal tabs personally.
I was literally about to make a worse version of this lol
How far gone do you have to be that paperwork is an existential crisis? Nobody really likes paperwork, but you don’t have to traumatize yourself.
And all the prices lowered upon our house
Fish still breathe with their gills, right? It really doesn’t seem like there should be enough dissolved oxygen in water.
Don’t you want to just be sure? Go on, check. I won’t tell anyone.
Helpful to know! I assume it’s the same or similar?
Check the link. It includes instructions for disabling it.
I did use it for a while, but it lags in updates and is missing a feature or two that I needed.
Overall it’s great and underrated (or under-represented).
I always like to remind people that Star Trek includes the first ever interracial kiss between a black and white person on TV.
It’s always been “woke.”
(Edited. See Wikipedia article.)
Ditty was already booked?
Thanks! I added it to the post.
Firefox is currently in the process of rebuilding the official support. I don’t have particularly high hopes that they will get it right, but I’m reserving judgement until I see it.
That assumes national borders mean anything to this class. They travel by private plane and go directly from the tarmac to the car. They don’t even need passports.