What I still can’t comprehend as a non American: It’s not Canada that’s going to pay the tariffs. It’s mostly US companies and at the end the US consumers will pay for it. That’s literally grabbing money from the pockets of US citizens. In what way does this sound like a good idea to a Trump voter? What happens if the affected countries start trading with each other and ignore the US? Trade wars have the the potential to develop into a full scale war if one of the participants is starved of the precious oil…
Bought around 12 years ago. Original plan was to live there for about 5 years and then get something bigger, make kids and rent my small house. So I financed it with low payments that it would be no financial burden for me.
Then I got busy, did not find a house I liked until all prices exploded. Here I am now: Although I earn much more I’m too poor to buy something bigger, while feeling guilty knowing how cheap my house was back then. It’s really fucked up.