Please give at least some clue before I give Google more clicks.
I don’t know what a Mary Sue is. Can you explain?
If there’s any universe in which it makes complete sense for someone to be born ultra powerful completely at random, it’s Star Wars and superhero movies.
I love The Force Awakens but I know someone who complains that it’s really distracting that the three main protagonists have a black guy and a woman, and it’s “trying so hard to be woke” that it spoils the film for him. He really truly honestly believes that he’s not racist or sexist but the “blatant DEI” ruins it.
NONE of the the main 9 star wars films are particularly subtle or deep, but they’re great fun, and if you can’t get over one of the lead characters being female or one of the main characters being ridiculously powerful for no other reason and you try to justify that in terms of consistency or good writing, you’re definitely using double standards.
I think he should reconsider how racist and sexist he is, and I think bleating about Rey being effortlessly at Kylo Ren’s level in the force isn’t worth the effort you put into justifying it.
I curse you all.
Unnecessary. Trump is their president. The blight is upon them whether they realise it or not.
Bend forward,
with outstretched arms, stand up again.
What is it supposed to be?
The Republicans already aren’t taking covid vaccines. They want to ban it for other folks because they don’t like that there side is dying and getting sick in higher numbers.
I mean, there’s an alternative route, but admitting you were wrong is crime number one in the Republican mind.
General strike from teachers, firefighters and police it is, then.
I use it for web apps rather than plain pages, and you can certainly use it with your existing css, and you can roll new css in a clean and non-clashy way with elm-css, but, like I say, elm-ui lets you RELIABLY build your ui.
!important This is my work nightmare, but for side projects I use elm and elm-ui and I just don’t need css. So nice, so stable, so robust, so eeeeeasy to maintain. It’s genuinely a delight. Boss nopes out when he sees all the whitespace, though, as if semicolons were the only thing keeping things sane.
At last an Onion article that makes me smile instead of weep for the state of politics being so bad that complete and utter batshit crazy nonsense is so hard to tell from news these days.
Dorkmobile? I thought it was called the wankpanzer, but maybe that’s just in my country. Is it even legal in Europe? That thing doesn’t look like it passed any crash safety tests AT ALL.
It certainly isn’t free as in beer either in America!
Past me has sometimes been a bit of a dick. I forgive him, though.
Your previously itchy balls bring glory to the empire!