It’s likely that Jabba-the-Orange just wants only those who sign loyalty oaths to have guns. The rest will be red flagged for gun confiscation.
It’s likely that Jabba-the-Orange just wants only those who sign loyalty oaths to have guns. The rest will be red flagged for gun confiscation.
You underestimate Putin’s psyops and overestimate people’s intelligence.
Great, except NPR as been somewhat compromised by right wing influence for years. Reagan appointed a conservative to the head the board of NPR.
They put a incompetent nutcase in charge of US health, an incompetent drunk in charge of national defense and a Russian agent in charge of Homeland security. Can you think of any people who would be more incompetent and damaging to the country?
Yes! the EU will be the leader of the free world and China will take over as the most powerful nation. China already leaping into the vacuum left by the cancellation of USAID. Once lost those countries will never not be US allies again.
Work it baby, work it. Insider trading on steroids, or rather Adderall.
The goal is for the oligarchs/fascists to control all the news and media. It is progressing well.
Pretty obvious that Jabba-the Orange is incompetent, confused and weak - a prime target for an even sleazier opportunist.
Jabba-the-Orange is planning on acquiring Greenland by invasion. They have already dusted off the draft and notification of the next-of-kin plans
I know some very good people who voted for the incompetent, confused and weak Jabba-the-Orange. I judge them to be extremely stupid.
Oh goody, Republicans should rename a bunch of post offices too, so they can brag about how much they have made America great again -
keeps the mindless minion’s minds off those grocery and egg prices.
I merely wish to have him reminded we know he paid for that hair
Whoa. Talk like that may get you sent to Gitmo. Anyway, which picture are you talking about? Asking for the guy down the road.
No shit Sherlock! Where have they been the last nine years, auditioning for “Idioacracy” II?
It’s like we have evolved into to two species. One with intelligence, and the other with shit for brains.
But the Constitution
Remember when Republicans carried those vest pocket editions of the Constitution? They were keeping it at the ready for the time they could wipe their asses with it.
Great video, but long. Here’s a clip of the boy who thinks we are stupid and the MSM backing him up by omitting a vital detail.
Republicans/big business have been trying to install a fascist regime since 1933 when Smedley Butler shut the coup down down.
This is just a pivot for his blame game. People are finding out that immigrants, gays and DEI aren’t the problem so he needs new fall guy.
It’s not as if Trump is difficult to figure out or predict.
Exactly. He grabs them by the pussy. He is doing the same with the country. This video is a decent prediction of how it will unfold. Of course he has a lot of instruction from the far right folks, because he is too stupid.
Just sit back, plan for famine, plagues and war. Find your community. Buy used, buy from locals and cut way back on vacations, eating out and travel. Grow a garden, it’s like printing money. Hunt, fish, forage or get into inexpensive but useful new hobbies.
The violent right is dumb but they will finally out who is screwing them and it isn’t immigrants, gays or DEI. They can’t blame Democrats either because Republicans control everything now. They created this monster, let them fight him.
Didn’t Jabba-the Orange pledge to lower those prices on DAY ONE?