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Rock is sad now
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Rock is doing a good job
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Land of the Lustrous in a nutshell
What if dogs like to play fetch because watching you throw something is mindblowing to them?
I wish my dogs would play fetch.
As an adult, I’ve had three dogs. All three of them would chase the projectile, then stand next to it and stare at me or go on to their own activities. I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a dog successfully retrieve anything.
It makes the game a lot harder.
I have had four dogs as an adult. Only the first one liked to play fetch. The other three have disappointed me and I have told them how they have let me down in this department more than once. They look at me like they don’t understand, but they know. Oh yes, they know.
I saw the frisbee getting bigger and bigger and couldn’t figure out why it does that.
Then it hit me.
This is actually legit.
Human brains are very, very good at instinctively understanding parabolic trajectories. In short, we’re evolved to be great at throwing stuff. Nothing else in the animal kingdom is as good at it as us, not even closely related primates like chimpanzees.
Our shoulders are unique amongst extant apes, none of the others have the ability to throw the way we do.
Due to our shoulders and our muscles, which are excellent for fine motor control, humans are the ballistic experts of the world.
But if you put them in a zoo, they will learn to throw feces.
Yeah I have always been amazed at the complexity of the shoulder joint. You basically have two concentric sets of muscles that do the same thing, but one is for power (the deltoid) and one is for precision (the rotator cuff). I’m oversimplifying but it is pretty unique and it’s why humans are so insanely good with their arms/hands. Looking at other apes trying to hammer a nail for instance, there’s no comparison.
And as the trajectories grew, ENIAC was created
The rocks used animal husbandry to get us to move them around
I thought it was spears. Guess it could be rocks. I threw a pinecone at a magpie to shoo it away and I think it broke his brain to see something coming at him like that.
You have to start somewhere. And that somewhere certainly wasn’t multi-part stick-rocks throwables with complex mechanical movement amplifiers.
multi-part stick-rocks throwables with complex mechanical movement amplifiers.
I looked at the post, and for a while the only part I saw was “Amplifiers”
Maybe a few more words will make the concept clearer:
My comment was more about “electric guitar word found! Disregard the rest of the sentence.”
Catapults are cool
I’m not talking about the start of throwing, I’m talking about the start of evolutionary dominance.
Rocks make pointy stick, but pointy rock on stick even better for throwing!
Pfft, Imagine needing anything more than your bare hands and the ability to perspire.
Endurance predator FTW!
What are these ‘spears’ you talk about? All this modern nonsense.
Ehh, it’s just a fad. The long-stick bubble is gonna burst soon. Just you watch.
I threw a pinecone at a magpie to shoo it away
Don’t do that to a corvid. They remember human faces and they let their big families know about it too.
Good they learned to stop pecking at my siding.
Wait till they learn about the infinite food glitch
What? You bury food in the ground and more food comes out? You expect us to believe that?
Fucking incredible I know
Imagine how crazy it’d be if you found a way to attach a STICK to the rock and make the rock sharper…
you’re never gonna believe what my buddy Ungabung just made…
I remember at some museum they said it took about 10.000 years for pre-humans to move from sharpening one side of a stone to sharpening both sides.
We went from using sharpened stones to landing on the moon in the same timeframe.
So here’s the thing: we don’t know that, really. If we find a spear that has one side sharpened and it’s dated 40,000 bc, then we find another spear and both sides are sharpened dated 30,000 bc, it may appear that way… But we literally have a vague guess at best. If 1 million years from now an archeologist finds a kitchen knife and concludes that in the 2000’s we were still figuring out double sided knives, then they would be hilariously wrong.
Humans are fucking unfair man. They win in so many different ways. You’re smaller than me? Lemme yeet this rock. You’re bigger than me and running away? It’s cool, I’ll catch up later; you’ll pass out before I do. You’re bigger than me and running towards me? Sweet, I just turned this rock and stick into a pair of claws that would make a lion blush, and my homies all got em too.
Oh yeah and those plants we all eat? I figured out how to make more of them! And I told all my friends how to do it to, because we have LANGUAGE!
And then before long they’re all “see that big shiny rock in the sky? Yeah, I pissed on it”
First it was the the thicc asses (for long running & creepy stalking), then came the biceps & shoulder combo.
I bet we first developed such unique throwing abilities just to fling our poop further.
(Similarly, I actually think we bred our thicc butts to twerk better.)
I like big paleolithic butts and I cannot lie
Some years later…
GUYS! GUYS!! HOLY SHIT YOU WON’T BELIEVE!!! I threw a rock, it hit another rock and there were these sparks!!
Careful that tech is a slippery slope to world destruction
Next you know, you throw a rock and it starts to think!
As a capuchin monkey myself, I am happy just throwing feces, thank you.
Username does NOT check out.
I feel like posting Aesop Rocks song on the subject is obligatory here:
Technology bad
I’m harrier than that…
I wish… Meant hairier 🙃
Ardipithicus moment. Oopsee I have developed organized hunting and weapons usage 😇