they should just use euro, but it’s a moot point since Russia is currently all fucked up.
Conservatives/Shills I made delete their accounts in shame by beating them in arguments : 2
Past winners :
they should just use euro, but it’s a moot point since Russia is currently all fucked up.
In the civilised world, it’s not called a holiday unless you get a day off work
the keyboard is on my mac machine.
jihadist and far-right circles,
Jihadsts are far right
how would you even know it’s him, he rips off the least suitable parts from songs and loops them. He’s no DOOM
this is on top of everything they’ve fucking done ever. From the ipod’s “Dump all your files, we’ll tag, them, don’t worry about where they go” to the shitty way they manage tabbing between windows.
it’s shit all the way down.
“it just works” my fucking ass.
“rotten toilet”
Reg me : You have to focus and debug this code sober, even though you tried everything
Palpatine me : DOPE - THRONE
My first complete run was with a speech/sci build.
I did not want to do the “Lie : NCR sucks dick, we’re going to fail” so I just ended up goading him to 1 v 1 me IRL and plasmad’ his ass in half.
FNAF is basically something that’s been CHURNING it all out forever. there’s about 10+ games and books
Davros you dipstick! You parked the bleedin’ van in the middle of the road! It’s a wonder no one from the old Bill didn’t clamp it!
Grant Morrisson
because, of course…
they have flushed all that good will away.
macs have always sucked, I have been forced to use them at work since '19 and the 2022 model they just gave me is the worst yet. the enter button is too fucking thin
It would be more useful to know what they were saying about it. I just see news anchor, osama, vox populi, etc
What about the dogshit music he’s been pumping out and forcing into games?
Re runs and free yet uploads of TNG with advertising like “here’s a future we can have, with quality leadership. Keep fighting for decency”
so…manufactued in 2004?