Although there are no gunshops similar to the US, where you could go and buy a pistol, revolver, rifle, etc., there are still plenty of Hunting and Sporting Stores all around the country that can legally sell low caliber weapons and ammo to those with valid permit. Allowed calibers are .22, .25, .32 o .380 and .38 SPL.
Its usually a few per big city and is tend to be visited by a small group of people that usually go to shooting ranges, have ranches or belongs to a hunting/shooting club.
It’s not only one store LMAO 🤣
Its common for people in rural areas to be a gun owner and rare for city dwellers to do so. Yet you can find people that inherited old guns.
Since the 90’s, the Army has regular buy off campaigns to convince the people to get rid of their guns
Bro literally sounded the independent thought alarm.
Upvoting before your comments gets yeeted by mods
Because one teeny step out-of-line on the left, and you’re labeled right wing,
On this is so true.
Just one example. This leftist guy, Matt Bernstein, made a video on YouTube about “How the right is winning young men” and had to basically apologize beforehand on his video, that was about men ISSUES , FOR TALKING ABOUT MEN ISSUES, all because he was afraid the left audience watching it, would rip him a new one.
This one
It says a LOT of your ideology when you can’t even acknowledge non ideological issues without getting in trouble with your own infighting peers. Man can’t even stray from the mainstream identity discourse without getting his throat ripped
The message is for this post in general. I’d say it is reaching the intended audience
You have devaluated the meaning of the word Nazi then complain when people don’t think as you do. Check how that is working out
The last thing that’s going on in there is arguing. Maybe you are confused with belittling.
Purity tests is not how you get workers to your doomed cause
You laugh but that’s what they voted for. Empiric evidence suggests things weren’t too hot for them these last 4 years so I don’t know why would you laugh at them in any case
Oh but you don’t get it, they are NAZIS you seeeee
I mean I am sure of that even tho I haven’t actually met them or talked to them or even made an effort to understand them. But yeah pretty sure
Let your long repressed impulses run free
Wow you have met them all? Incredible how some have time to deeply understand and meet a full nation worth of people.
Little reminder: Those people you are alienating, those as per your and Lemmy judgement “Nazi, racists, uneducated, homophobic, traitors, fascists, unethical, uncompassionate and misogynistic” are voters with as much rights as you have to decide the course of the nation
And guess what, YOU NEED THEM.
Not in the sense of WOW WE NEED THEIR VOTES MAYBE WE SHOULD NOT TREAT THEN LIKE SHIT kind of thing, although you actually DO need those votes.
I mean in the sense that these are the standard blue collar, hard workers of the country. Those plumbers, electricians, waste disposal, street sweepers, truck drivers, and so on
You know, the people? The workers that the Dems and libs cry daily to protect their rights?
Well those are the ones you are alienating with your message. The common man.
Dems have become the party of the coastal elites. You can’t cry against the stablishment because you became the stablishment.
So, it is alrighty if you think that alienating and pushing them common people outside of your leftist bubble is working for your cause.
But remember why you lost the election. Try to understand why if “we think the others are SO BAD and shout it into the wind, why didn’t we win?”
Because until you answer that question, you’ll be kept surely in permanent stunlock.
So go, sure. Protest, picket and outrage against every little thing they do. Tire yourselves. Double down on the name calling.
That surely will work wonders
The stunlock continues
Like super standard
If a judge tried to tell a general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal,” Vice President J. D. Vance posted on X yesterday morning. “If a judge tried to command the attorney general in how to use her discretion as a prosecutor, that’s also illegal. Judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.”
Dude is just underlining scopes. Nothing burger here
Now, Vance was not quite making an unconditional vow to ignore a court order.
He was making no vows. Stating the scope of practice is not illegal in any way
Rather, he was stepping right up to the line.
By explaining who has what scope? Wow stretch much?
Obviously, judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power,
Yes that’s literally the guys point.
but determining whether orders are legitimate is the very question the courts must decide.
Which was never in discussion?
People if you want to freak out about everything be my guest, but if this is what is going to make you flip the fuck out, geez.
The perma stun is real. And it proceeds at pace
Oh yeah, by all means, stop using all Google related services, then realize that about 50% of web services for banking, agriculture, logistics, infrastructure, telecommunications, research and development, industry, transportation, healthcare and energy are hosted on GCP
“Oh but my service is hosted on AWS/AZURE”
Yeah and what do you think is the fallback in case of DRP?
Far be it from me to know of someone, anyone, even a celebrity, by using a reverse initialism or, worst, and I don’t say this lightly, an apheresis.
That’ll show them!