You lucky duck
You lucky duck
Gone by morning usually, maybe a mild mild mild headache or fuzziness into tge afternoon every once in a while. Gotten better at judging where I’m at and not wanting to go as hard, as well as hydrating better
18 almost 19. Keystone light or miller genuine draft, soccer team house party in college
2nd amendment does if they don’t
The hero we need! Finally someone to stand up for little oil against big our children’s future!!!1
Oof, if this is what the c people did, imagine if they had run into the a or b people!?
Lead was a problem for the boomers, but musk has a lead deficiency
As a youngling I think I talked a lot, and one of my friends told me I could be annoying. I think the social shock of going from the smallest elementary school in the district to middle school turned me into the quiet kid with some weird mannerisms
Hopefully I’ll find out myself soon too. I’ll have to reschedule the med consult that I finally got though, accidentally set it to one of my few in office days
I prefer to believe the constitution beat him up
And the sooner you do it the better the result
I’m the grim darkness of the future, you take out a mortgage to build a pc. Real glad i sprang for upgrades for my machine in December and January
Finished up Morningstar, so now I’m on to Iron Gold
Man, kind of glad Roke (sp? I was listening to the audiobook) died. He was so insufferable at the end. I guess he was set up as a foil to Cassius, who suffered similarly (I would say worse, his family was wiped out whereas Roke lost two lovers), though Cassius came to a different conclusion in the end. I was frustrated that he blamed Darrow instead of either his lovers’ direct killers (Aja, Antonia) who he worked with somehow, or the society at large that created this cruel environment. Cassius on the other hand certainly had reason to hate Darrow, as he killed Julian, but it seems as he aged that he came to blame the society itself for it, combined with the evidence that his family was wiped out by the Jackal with the sovereign’s consent. In addition, Julian’s death was one of necessity for Darrow, where it was killed or be killed. The deaths of Quinn and Leah were not necessary and were just cruel
I was taken aback by Cassius’ ‘betrayal’ at first, but I pretty quickly suspected it was a ruse
Ragnar ;_;
Edit: I’m now about a third of the way through iron gold. God damnit it Darrow what are you doing? I’ve been disappointed before, but now I’m mad at him
Well not always, but on Saturday when it can find a sitter, watch out
I’m so quirky!
I was going to obviously say something vivaciously clever earlier in the night but I’ve lost it @.@
Irony is dead
Well just got my 1 year old her vaccines, should tide her over for close to the next 4 years if they fuck with it. Here’s to hoping there’s too much money in it for pharma to let them get away with too many shenanigans