With your new oven, you can make a huge pita without having to install a new floor.
If there’s anyone who’s going to gaslight, gas companies seem a probable candidate.
Apparently, Zach Wienersmith did this.
Though I don’t advocate the practice, I have occasionally seen drivers who cleared only the area immediately in front of the driver. That’s still bad, but not quite as much so as driving with a fully iced-over windshield.
edit: oh, I see now that OP edited the post to clarify this was not the case.
I’ve been blocked a time or two on discord. I don’t remember the exact message, but it matched what you would see if you tried to message or add a user who didn’t exist. I could tell from context that it was a block, but if it hadn’t have happened mid conversation I would have thought I got the username wrong or something.
I haven’t been blocked in quite a while, so this may no longer be accurate.
I agree, but I would also add “the particulars of when” to the list of surprising qualities.
You’re not even gonna try this?
They are available at many retail outlets, though not cheap if you want decent quality. I got a UNI-T brand one and have been fairly pleased with it, though I think Flir is more common.
I also have a coworker who recommends a thermal monocular for longer ranges, though I can’t particularly comment on that. He uses his to watch animals on his property. I’ve heard they’re commonly used for hunting.
I don’t have a ranking list or anything, so I won’t compare it to other holidays, but I wouldn’t call it harmless. Sports fans can be … Excitable.
Was fuzzy, indeed.
What are you talking about, it only came out last year … Uh, right?
This was back in 2006 or so. I don’t recall if 4G was around then, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t available as an internet provider. If it was, I wasn’t aware.
I’m pretty happy with my current internet solution, but I’ll keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you!
Inhaling poison seems like a bad idea.
It’s surprising they would need more than 640kb, really.
I know that Star Trek and X-Men had a crossover book, but I don’t remember the Star Trek crew showing up in [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/X-Men_%26_Spider-Man:_Time’s_Arrow_Book_1:_The_Past](the Time’s Arrow trilogy).
edit: Boy, my client can be unreliable about links. If this doesn’t display properly for you, I guess pretend it does? I don’t really know how to fix it. Please enjoy my nerdy joke/reference regardless.
From what I’ve seen commented in the past, that was Fallout. I think New Vegas?