Gotcha. Thanks. I generally just called them Ensign, since my first O rank was O4
Gotcha. Thanks. I generally just called them Ensign, since my first O rank was O4
The reflected sound of underground spirits.
Is a “butter bar” the Army equivalent of a “90 day wonder?” I never heard that term in the Navy.
The US Army still maintain a mule corps. It’s how we got a lot of supplies to the inland hurricane victims last year.
That said, I’m surprised that hay and clover is cheaper than gas to make this at all efficient.
I wonder what’s going on in Sacramento, that we have no pics.
SAAB. Maybe.
No clue. I was a Navy nuke. Not my department
She can be killed by the big red button. She announced that someone killed her over the PA when she got killed. I forgot what happened immediately after that though. I thought the marble thing was irreversible. They marbleized and ate Bad Janet didn’t they?
Does Janet go to the void when she is killed?
Derek needs to be uncreated.
The prop for the W.O.P.R. sold a few years ago. IIRC, someone paid $25,000 for what my father said was a refrigerator box, with Christmas lights inside, painted black, and with plastic caps. He did all the computer graphics on Wargames. Apparently I threw up on Matthew Broderick the time my dad brought me to the set. I would have been 1 or 2 at the time.
The cab portion is military owned. The trailer portion is corporate owned.
Yes. It’s camo and dirty as hell.
Not just BK either. Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, and Wendy’s all have contracts with the military, probably more.
Re: your username. Navy nuke?
Andor. I was joking. I’ve no clue what the other commenter was on about, with Trump jokes in Andor. They can’t make a season 3 of Andor.
In season 3
Sure between other nations of Native Americans, on the main continent. This One group lived on one of the larger Carribean islands, managed to not have any war, because no one else came out that far.
I’m NOT talking about any of the other nations that existed on the continents. You asked for an example and I’ve given you the only historical example I can think of. I don’t even include the Sentinel Islanders here, because while they haven’t been recorded to have participated in a war, they are clearly hostile to outsiders. The Taino didn’t respond with any hostility, to the point that Columbus made a remark in his diary that they would be easy to make slaves of the people, since they had no will to fight back. They were a communal society that didn’t have neighbors to fight with. They also lacked the gold and silver that CC was looking to pillage.
You didn’t bother reading the source. No they didn’t. Stop trying to whitewash history. They had ceremonial battles that included wooden “weapons” to resolve disputes. They didn’t kill each other.
Try again, and stop erasing history. They were unique because they lived on an isolated island, so they didn’t have neighbors to make war with.
Oh, and I was misinformed, Columbus didn’t wipe them all out, just most of them. Some still exist and have resumed their ancestral ways, apparently.
I was honestly too busy grading their work to come up with derogatory terms for my students. I guess we called them freshies, and newbies, when we didn’t just call them the ensigns