Rofl, defending a ponzi like a Madoff lawyer :)
Rofl, defending a ponzi like a Madoff lawyer :)
Your mind is like a fancy cat toilet.
Don’t even try to bury your poops feelings, the poop-scooper will smear it all over your mind anyway.
Yes, indeed, and it’s the ‘can get their jaws around’ part that got me curious. Is that thing chew(through)able?
Lol, I don’t like how (much) this meme (kinda) works.
Shirley that can’t be nice to eat (supporting all that elephant weight & blood pressure).
Maybe as a play-thing
So invisible jets (with wondrous pilots) when?
(Or do we just wait for pollution to turn the rain acidic like this?)
Shaking is just your liver not adjusted to regular fasting, right?
Actually this is legit my headcanon too - I don’t think I have any eating related disorder (sure, I can’t form patterns & eat at the same time every day, or every day, but that’s it), however I do think I know what I need to eat (cravings or whatever lesser cravings are called).
As long as my brain gets to connect the dots between taste and specific nutrients, I think I know what I need to eat.
Well, I would really hope it’s at least something honest, like porn, or even Twitch.
Steam should push po>!o!<p-up ads like [Windows support is ending, click here to install Linux.]
*spider on counter encounter
I never had a greater (or any tbh) urge to send valentine cards.
I don’t think it’s a company that does overnight revolutions & disruptions (we are all used to consumerism too much), it’s about sustainability.
They are doing a lot and in the right way imho.
I would love a tablet and a phone (at some point) tho, even an open sauce wearable would be qewl :D.
Me in the matrix (so irl basically), holding a gun: “Don’t worry, I’m not deleting you!”
Or you know, monetary & financial systems we humans trust in.
You can’t just assume that, it’s intolerant.
It was the second panel for me 20 years ago too, when I only slightly disliked MS & still used Windows.
As you established that is not true, however you can add some of that carbon from some body and add it to the iron from the blood of 400 other human bodies so you can forge one nice sword.
I missed all but maybe like 5 or max 10 episodes of the entire show.
But cops in cop shows have struggles too.
(If I’m understanding you correctly they’ve shown some light on mental issues, which is prob a good thing if actually done correctly & not just for bs character credibility/growth.)
The water wars and the subsequent great migrations alone, will make those predictors irrelevant, must less the wwiii that will follow.