The fact that it’s not even daily is going to kill any pull this has with me. It needs to be linked to progression level, like it used to be
He/Him Jack of all trades, master of none
Proudly banned from lemmy.ml for being critical of the CCP
The fact that it’s not even daily is going to kill any pull this has with me. It needs to be linked to progression level, like it used to be
I also liked them. Hopefully the article is wrong about
“Season 15 also features the return of loot boxes,” a press release says. “You will be able to earn a variety of cosmetics when collecting loot boxes. They will be available from weekly and event rewards.” You’ll also be able to earn one loot box via the free battle pass and an additional two in the Premium battle pass.
Weekly and event rewards, and one free one per season??? That’s just insulting
Scheven, schfourteen-teen…
To save other readers a search
“Anything over one gram of salt per two pounds of body weight is cause for concern,” which means for a 5 lbs cat, it would take 2.5 grams of salt to cause concern. That is approximately 10 small orders of fries at McDonald’s, or two entire bags of salty ass chips
Of course they get sodium from their food so don’t feed them chips, but also yeah they can eat a ton of salt
With RFK in charge, I give it 3 months before all regulations on canned goods are rescinded, and one year before people start dying from botulism left right and center. And we’ll all put up with it, because it’s mainly the poors eating canned food anyway, and we don’t have the wherewithal to revolt
Lmao if medieval serfs could reliably get paid to have nude portraits drawn and sent across the world they would do it too
Friendly reminder that your grandparents were at least as degenerate as you, they just didn’t have smartphone cameras 24/7
Perfect, thank you!
I need a new password for my bank account. Any suggestions?
>get pneumonia
>go to hospital
>can’t do dailies for 3 days
>i will never catch back up
Meanwhile I just opened Stardew for the first time in 6 months and my pup just gave me some bone shards for petting him
It’s a good thing we keep historically unprecedented numbers of live animals in historically unprecedented close quarters. The beef and dairy industry has made some great strides in ending the human race
upscaled 4k pictures with advanced AI interpolation
You can’t get more information out of the pictures than there is in the pictures. The most an upscaler can do is make the equivalent of an artist’s interpretation of a 4k picture.
Since someone used it as a verb and it was understood by their audience
Sure, you’ve just described one of the ways that Monsanto is evil. Keeping a deathgrip on the seed production and making the cost of signing another contract just slightly less than the cost of a potential legal battle is scummy as hell. Instead of making things up to be mad at, let’s be mad at them for that.
I don’t see any natural means by which those seeds dispersed. Actually, it looks like he knew he was growing seeds that could get him in trouble
Monsanto is evil enough, we do not have to exaggerate how evil they are.
If tariffs work, then fuck yeah. I don’t think they will in the long run, but if we end up winning the lottery I’m not going to get upset because I didn’t like the numbers we picked
It’s also super not worth all of the other shit we have to put up with, but let’s take what wins we can
Edit: of course they aren’t moving manufacturing to the US, so I guess this hurts China at our own expense. I guess it’s only a win for whatever country they move manufacturing to
I feel that I’m correct because by both the strict definition of the word suing, and the inclusion of out of court settlements, I can’t find any examples of Monsanto pursuing any sort of legal action against farmers who accidentally grew their crops when the seeds were spread by natural means.
Don’t get me wrong, the concept of patenting a living thing is ghoulish and evil, and farmers should absolutely be allowed to grow whatever seeds they want. Just don’t misrepresent someone intentionally breaching a contract as something totally accidental and out of their control
Nobody thinks or acts like this
You can be critical of two governments at the same time. You don’t have to love one to hate the other
No they don’t. There’s never been any legal action taken for accidentally growing GM crops.
Fun fact, Christians commit more crime than atheists. Save a life, deconvert