To… concentrate?
I prefer my labor camps freshly squeezed.
This dumbass thinks we’ll concentrate better in camps. Psssh. (This was a joke. I know it should be obvious but that’s no longer the world we live in.)
republicans are silent on this. groceries cheaper yet?
defunding huge amount of government agencies. where is that money going? into the economy? or musk and trumps pockets?
why do republicans support giving even more money to the wealthy at the detriment of the rest of the country?
Most Republicans think ADHD is caused by liberal parents who don’t beat their kids enough, they’re silent because they approve.
Mine rest easy knowing they couldn’t possibly beat their children any more then they tried so there was nothing more that could be done.
Well the article is 7 months old.
And it should still be disqualifying.
remember what trump said, repeatdly, " i dont care about you, i just want your votes",
I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities
Yes I too read A Scanner Darkly dipshit. I’m absolutely sure you can’t wait to send people to the New-Path farming commune so that you can profit off of their altered state in hopes that “one day” they’ll be able to rejoin society.
What a fucking dipshit. They just all honest to god want modern slaves. Like good god, there’s no veil to it any longer, they just want free fucking labor.
What do you mean? It’s free health care! Isn’t that what y’all asked for? /s
They need that slave labour, to replace all the migrant workers they kicked out. There’s “method to their madness”
They are doing dystopian novel bingo
Nobody wants to pay wages anymore 🤷♂️
Speaking as someone with ADHD: This would have been the most darkly humorous time to use the phrase “Concentration Camp”
Yeah, the fucking heavens had to align to create the single greatest opportunity for this pun. The news editor looked up at the choir of singing angels and quietly whispered “no” as they used the word “labor” instead.
I shared this with my wife, who takes Adderall, and your comment is going to finally pull her away from Reddit to Lemmy. Thank you for your service.
salutes Just doing my job sir.
Have you not seen the South Park about that?
Heads up this is from middle of last year.
Still relevant since he just got confirmed as the head of the health department.
Let’s hope he’s changed his mind since then. There’s a good chance. He seems like the type to spend a lot of time contemplating and reading.
He did flip-flop completely on abortion in about one year. Brainworm 🪱 must have changed his mind.
Does he have grandkids? My money is on a pregnancy scare that affected him directly. Direct experience is usually what it takes for people with no empathy.
You forgot your /s.
Can you imagine someone thinking I was serious? That would be terrifying.
Contemplating the teachings and health knowledge of Joe Rogan while reading Mein Kampf?
Please, no.
Look at this guy:
Or he could just change his mind after snorting another line of coke. “And then once they get to my forced happy farm, they’ll all get a unicorn <rips line> and, wait for it man,… they pay me to be there…”
How about including Ketamine and starting with that one unelected illegal immigrant who abuses both? No? Figures.
Ketamine catching strays over here undeserved…
You take away my adderall, I’m not going to be working - I will be asleep (I have narcolepsy).
Good idea, they should keep feeding you adderall at the labour camp, much more effective 😋
Don’t worry, they’ll make sure to “protect” your loved ones if you keep working hard. Protect from what, you ask? Well, just keep working hard and you won’t need to worry about it.
Since it’s always projection, TIL RFK Jr. is on Adderall.
Oh that must be the American spelling of heroin.
Can’t be heroin because he’s awake and speaking. Adderall makes more sense.
(And FWIW you can’t even get real heroin anymore. These days it’s all fent.)
That worm should have finished the job.
Incidentally, if anyone is a screenwriter, I’d love to see a film where an alien parasite takes over the brain of a prominent politician and forces the population of a country to stop taking prescription meds so it can reproduce. I just don’t want to be in that movie.
There was a TV show, Braindead, in 2016 that was about an alien parasite in politicians heads.
Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Tony Shalhoub, thoroughly enjoyed it and sad it didn’t get renewed.
Might be worth a rewatch at this point
The Hidden! (spoilers)
If the Trusk-era US economy is to run on prison labour, they will need technically skilled inmates. Between people with ADHD and people with depression and anxiety disorders, this should provide plenty.
Not only that, but “wellnes farms to grow organic food?” Gotta replace all those fieldhands we’re about to deport somehow.
Well there’s a horrifying thought.
Lol, you stick me in a labor camp, your just going to be generating extra work for people to clean up after me
Your being pedantic
US Government official wants to put people in concentration camps (no pun intended). Time to get the pitchforks.
concentration camps (no pun intended)
Intend your puns, weakling!
Read this in the dremora voice
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Haven’t indians been in concentration camps for a while?
Seems like business as usual.
he’s a cunt, but that’s not what he said at all….
he said he wanted to establish optional camps to help people get off these drugs if they want to… and that they would grow their own organic food, because he sees diet as an underlying cause… not labor for other people….
who knows what the real camps would be like but this is an old story taken to extreme assumptionsThe issue is that what you see as an extreme assumption just seems entirely predictable to others.
These guys are liars. They lie about everything, and say whatever they think will be advantageous at any given moment.
read about the real camps in guantanamo bay
Those are for migrants.
These wellness camps are for American undesirables
that’s fantasy, the migrant camps are real.
Ah I see you are a comrade who buys into phrasing like special operations not meaning invasion. Quite interesting isn’t it how effective simple word play leads to some members of the population insisting it isn’t what other people see it to be. Concentration camp? No no comrade we don’t call it that anymore.
The policy, as stated by RFK is a progressive, left wing, anti punishment, anti incarceration, pro rehabilitation with origins in Europe.
Implementation could be right wing but at face value this policy is left wing.
The policy, as stated by RFK is a progressive, left wing,
Centrists will call anything progressive. Remember this shit next time a centrist calls one of their own number a progressive. They think concentration camps are progressive. They think concentration camps are progress itself.
Rehabilitation of illegal drugs in place of incarceration is undeniably left wing.
Treatment for SSRI addiction was voluntary, not authoritarian.
But you do have a point. Vigilance is important. Concentration camps were not announced, but an executive order could turn a “farm” into one overnight.
The clue to the intentions will be in the scale of this policy. 2 farms is not worrying. 200 farms is.
who buys into phrasing like special operations not meaning invasion.
ah i see you’re a fucking idiot
You are a German citizen in late 1939 swallowing each and every Hitler’s lie. Wake up before it’s too late.
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And guantanamo has been a detention camp since the Gulf War. The US became fascist long before Trump.
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You are very wrong.
Detention of citizens (foreign or domestic) without due process is a fascist policy. Whether it for 30 or 30,000.
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It kind of sounds like you are unfamiliar with the kinds of “options” people who get caught for drug related offenses are given. Even now it includes things like “optionally” being an informant, or else going to jail or prison. Or in other cases, “optionally” admit you are an addict and submit yourself to a court ordered rehabilitation program, or again, circle the incarceration drain. Should be noted that many of these “rehabilitation” programs in rural areas are faith based - as in, they care more about turning you into a Christian (of their particular denomination), than they do about rehabilitating your actual addiction.
I have a suspicion that this new program is going to coincide with an upsurge in the drug war. I think it would be wise to err on the side of caution and stay away from all federally illegal substances. Supposedly RFK wants to fund this with cannabis taxes, but that is still federally illegal. So they could just as easily institute a cannabis crackdown if they wanted.
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What do you mean? According to the article it’s what he said recently and is actively pursuing.
afaik he mentioned this one on the campaign trail in 2024 on a remote interview
where he wanted to legalize cannabis and create wellness farms where instead of going to jail, drug offenders can go there to grow “organic food” and learn to be part of a community. he said that others could voluntarily go there if they want, such as people addicted to opiates and prescription drugs like benzos, SSRIs, benzos.
it made the news cycle last year and it was taken mostly of out ccontext and it’s making the news cycle again, I guess.
my personal opinion is the guy is a loon but this is a distraction from the realtime dismantling of the government we’re witnessing right before our eyes
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And you often have the “option” of going to AA meetings, which are almost always religious, or the “option” of being imprisoned. It’s literally the government enforcing religion.
Yup, although, while I do agree that a lot of AA programs are just trojan religion, AA itself can sometimes be a little misrepresented. Like the controversial ‘higher power’ thing. Maybe not the best language, but I observed similar patterns in my own addiction remediation efforts. At least the way I interpret it is, I’m in this poor state that appears to complete lack the necessary differences in thinking that it would take to get myself out of this; therefore I’m powerless to stop this on my own. I need to seek out a third factor to set things in a different direction.
It doesn’t need to be anything mystical. Could literally just be reading a book written by another addict, who happens to share an idea that catalyzes the right changes. Wisdom of an elder. But again, that might just be a misinterpretation on my part. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I hear this all the time, but I have to always point out that the only way to make Step 11 non-religious is to totally rewrite it:
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
There is just not a way to interpret that non-religiously without rewriting it. Which is not surprising, since AA formed out of a prayer group.
If AA helped you, I’m glad it did. But there’s no science behind it and AA’s success rate is between 5 and 10 percent. It does help some people mainly because it’s a form of group therapy.
There are better, more scientific methods. Including medication. Unfortunately, in a for-profit healthcare system, free AA may be your only option. And your local group will almost certainly be religious.
If AA helped you, I’m glad it did. But there’s no science behind it and AA’s success rate is between 5 and 10 percent. It does help some people mainly because it’s a form of group therapy.
And rehab and treatment has an even lower success rate. Turns out we don’t really know how to fix addiction. It’s really a cultural thing and we can’t put a bandaid with a little bit of therapy.
From what I’ve seen AA / NA is at least as effective as other treatments, some research indicates it’s more effective, and considering the fact that it’s free compared to thousands of dollars minimum for any kind of treatment you’re looking at a massive price delta
NA helped me get clean from heroin and at no point did anybody push religion and everyone made it clear the language is like that cause it was written a long time ago in a different time. They encourage people to take what they can use and throw away the rest.
Yikes, I wasn’t aware the language was so direct like that. 🤣 Yeah, nevermind then.
I was never in AA, or any program for that matter. Just used to be a smoker, and have had pretty heavy drinking habits in the past.
How do you know what is going through his worm infested brain? I think its fair to assume the worst about this idiot and extrapolate what he actually means when he talks about these ‘wellness’ camps.
At the very least, he wants to take meds away from people who need them to survive and be happy. That’s already batshit levels of insane and cruel. I don’t think forced labor camps are too much of a stretch from there.
he probably wants to but that isn’t what he said… 8 months ago….
the actual president, who actually has some power to create concentration camps, has actually begun, in reality, doing that….
oh but you don’t care because it’s more important to assume the worst because you think white americans might be affected by rfk jr’s assumed double secret plansI mean I’m not a white american, and I don’t see why race matters in this conversation anyways. I’m not on meds, either, but I will speak out for those who are. Obviously, fuck Donald Trump and his literal concentration camp, but this thread was about RFK, and his hypothetical(for the moment) concentration camps, so idk what you are on about.
We would probably be comrades irl. I literally think borders should be illegal, I think you are mad at the wrong person here.
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RFK Jnr has invented rehab.
basically… rehab for people on ssri’s and adderall….
the real danger is people who need ssri’s being convinced to stop
That’s an interesting way to delude yourself about it. Points for creativity I guess.
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I don’t see why you’re downvoted. The headline is directly misquoting him.
I don’t agree with him on much, but having optional organic farms like a peace corp is not a terrible idea to help people. There’s lots of mental health benefits to getting into nature, eating healthy, being active, etc. It’s not going to help everyone, but that idea on its own isn’t crazy for a government mental health program.
Or, you know, the New Deal.
The current administrations track record with things such as the COVID-19 epidemic would probably end with us smashing sparrows. I would love a proper New Deal - I hope the subsequent administration/government hires artists and architects and we spend our money on building new hospitals and painting them with murals. I would love protections for small farmers - perhaps the avian flu epidemic will devastate Tyson etc to the point small farming will be the only feasible option for a while and we can install protections so that this shit never happens again.
That is not what is happening here though. The weaponization of mental health against minoritized groups, political dissidents, and activists is clearly the plan here.
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The journalism is trash. The Author may think RFK is “Batshit” but they should never include such a word in a factual news report.
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tankiedeleted by creator
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Legalize psychedelics first like you promised, you fucking liar.
He’d sooner eat a bag of McDonalds than do a single crazy thing he promised. What’s that? He already did the McD thing? As a show of fealty to our new king? Oh, my.
It’s okay. When they take away your SSRIs and force you to farm organic food, they’ll keep telling you to smile more.
Hopefully, close to a supply of organic fertilizer. For uh health reasons.
Oops my diesel spilled
Tomorrow is a rest day.
“Work will set you free”
So… trump is going to camp as well?
I’m not going to a labor camp. They’ll never take me alive.
You know, maybe the pistol I have isn’t enough… Hm
I’ve been saying for years that people on the left need to get strapped, and that cops ain’t there to protect them. It’s sad that it’s taken a fascist getting elected–mostly because too many people on the left were purity testing and sat out–for them to catch on.
…And yet, left-leaning states (Colorado, California, others) keep trying to restrict gun rights even more.
For me the main reason I don’t have something bigger is because guns are expensive!
FWIW, PSA rifles are perfectly serviceable and can be bought for about $500. Ammunition though… That’s where it starts getting really expensive.
Well, for ammunition, you only really need enough to fill like a few magazines, right? Though you’ll want extra to use at the range for practice
Right, that’s what I mean. You need enough ammunition to get proficient, and stay proficient. If you don’t practice, your ability will decay fairly rapidly.
Otherwise, I only need something like 250 rounds for the magazines that I carry on my plate carrier (for things like The Gun Run, where you have to carry all your ammo with you) plus the rifle.
Same. Guns are loaded.