The green one seems to have driver’s controls at the rear end, which seems unusual. IIRC, Basel trams (and possibly trams in most of Switzerland) are single-headed, often towing a lighter drogue carriage, as the lines end in turning loops.
The green one seems to have driver’s controls at the rear end, which seems unusual. IIRC, Basel trams (and possibly trams in most of Switzerland) are single-headed, often towing a lighter drogue carriage, as the lines end in turning loops.
Simple: the moment you have a child, you stop being the person who had hobbies and interests and become a parent, a single-minded organism that exists solely to make sure your children make it to maturity in good shape. Your Spotify Wrapped becomes Baby Shark, your guitar or mountain bike or whatever gets ebayed to make room for a nursery, and travel plans become fiction, written around a character who is no longer you, a stolid lump of responsibility.
What about if the US is supplying arms to the other side?
The stupid, it burns
If the Trusk-era US economy is to run on prison labour, they will need technically skilled inmates. Between people with ADHD and people with depression and anxiety disorders, this should provide plenty.
“How do you do, fellow grungemuffins?”
No, use Hannah Montana Linux like a normal person
The Ned Kelly would also be known as the Dalston/Williamsburg/Brunswick/(insert very urban hipster district name) Woodsman
Perhaps some of them had undergone mellification?
That must have cooked off nicely
Presumably quadraspazzed on a lifeglug.
There was a modern handheld with this form factor maybe 8 years ago named the Gemini. It shipped with a version of Android, though could be flashed to run a Linux, if you didn’t mind not knowing if will wake up from sleep. I still have one sitting in the back of a drawer.
We have an American commercial illustrator named Warner Sallman to blame for the canonical Jesus’ melanin deficit.
The problem with free public transport is that’s, once there’s no cost to it, usage goes up qualitatively. People will pack onto a rammed bus rather than walk a few blocks because it’s easier, and those already on the bus will find their journeys becoming more unpleasant. Those who have cars will decide to start driving again, and the buses will become slower as they’re stuck in a traffic jam consisting of people who aren’t getting anywhere either but at least don’t have a stranger’s armpit next to their nose.
So, anything short of having a communist revolution, confiscating all the private cars and using the seized wealth of the capitalist class to greatly increase capacity to where there’s a conveyor belt of buses with one every 30 seconds, free public transport will result in a soup kitchen system that nobody uses if they have an alternative.
So, Make Brexit Work, and Keep The US And Europe Together?
“Mistake” implies that it could have happened otherwise.
But the 66 gazillion dollars in the government’s account for their straw-man persona (i.e., their name when not written as “FIRSTNAME the live-born human person SURNAME” or whatever the correct incantation is) should be more than enough to cover that, the discharged debt from their car purchase and any outstanding child support.