You know sometimes you’re thinking of something, not even saying it out loud, and then an ad for it pops up on your screen? There’s a claim that scientists have developed mind-reading nano particles that have been put in food and water, humans consume them and then they read our thoughts and of course, this being a capitalistic society, use our thoughts to try and sell us stuff.
What do you think?
they farm your data through various means (search history, social media activity, sound input, your photos and a ton more we don’t even realize) to make the ads its not mind-reading.
And they have models, psycho-analytical models based off that data that they can use to make often strikingly accurate predictions.
That is incredibly silly.
There’s so many things wrong with this claim, such as the fact that nobody knows how to read minds, the expenses of all of these nanparticle machines, where they’re being made if there’s that many of them, how they identify the people they’re in and link them to their online shopping accounts, but more importantly why the people who invented this cheap mind-reading technology aren’t rushing to put their name on it. But the serious answer is that this lie is in fact fabricated to distract us from the real danger, the birds.
“it’s teh chemtrails !!! they put chips in the air and they control you into thinking about the ad that will poop out of the scren !!!”
it’s amazingly expensive to make new technology like snitching air molecules (real proof would be the “artificial meat” conspiracy. the tech is real but the labs and the equipment are so expensive it’s cheaper to have a regular farm or something) than to use a thing you are guaranteed to carry around at all times, like the funny phone
i love and hate conspiracy theories but this feels more farfetched than the shit my family genuinely believes in. right now they ended up believing that microchips are in water and soda and stuff so i don’t know what is farfetched anymore
Who is making this claim? They’re probably doing it through data mining and confirmation bias (I.e. you’re not remembering all the times you get served an ad that is absolutely gonzo and not what you want right now)
I think that people are super weak to confirmation bias and people are constantly blasted with random stuff they have liked in the past and also think about random stuff they like and so sometimes the 2 coincide. Also the algorithms which target u with adds have a huge amount of data and are good at detecting associations so, it could notice that for example when people buy pasta on its own a few days later they get some sauce or something and so it kinda predicts ur thoughts sometimes because in aggregate people are relatively predictable.
that’s what the drones are for. lol
they are actually using the birds, they have to charge them. are the drones decoys ?
think about it :)
this is a cry for help all i hear are conspiracy theories all around the house everywhere i go every family member believes in chemtrails and “soros” shit help me, it’s all on the news as well with unironic belief towards that crap