Forward, comrade!

“The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.”

  • 46 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2020

  • I agree with you, pedophiles need treatment. It’s obvious their sexual attraction is not under their conscious control, since the condemnation and judgement of pedophiles is so big, no one would consciously choose to be a pedophile. There are studies which links sexual attraction to children to sexual abuse in childhood too.

    I disagree however with watering down, or diluting that with a lighter term, MAP, because it’s inadvertently promoting pedophilia through euphemism. Whether they are a rapist or not, a person can be a pedophile, and that’s it, we need to accept that situation. But the act itself, to have sexual attraction to children, is a dangerous thing, because we know children cannot truly consent.

    So the negative charge that comes with the term pedophilia did not come out of the blue, it’s a historical development. Pederasts in Greece certainly did not have this taboo over the word describing them. Creating a “neutral” word only removes this historical meaning describing the act. So the question is, should we use euphemisms for pedophilia?

  • Thanks for the reply!

    We need to store 30 GB (safe estimate for 2-3 years) for publicly accessible images and documents. These would be constantly accessed by users. As far as I’ve measured, this could peak up to 2GiB/hour of network transfer

    We also need to store up to hundreds of GBs (but less than a TiB in total) for files related to our server and backups, but these would have slow transfer rates, as they are not meant to be constantly touched. We plan on expanding towards other operations besides merely the wiki, so that would take extra space eventually

  • This is precisely why I asked for advice beforehand. Thank you!

    I actually don’t understand how a wiki with 22,000 pages of text and 4,000 files can be “very costly” to host. Please don’t go the wikipedia route with the expenses.

    It’s not, we’re fine, but we need to think long-term for growth. We serve more than just one language, and they are growing. Plus, we are thinking of hosting our own communication server, something like Matrix or better. And we need to have storage ready for that.

  • You’re not a failure, you just have different preferences than your friends. And that’s okay, everyone is different. You may even enjoy sex, but you could play a higher importance on other things, such as your life, your career, your studies, intellectual exchange

    Now, yes, a lot of people are overtly and constantly sexual depending on the culture and social group. If you care a lot about those friends, and you care a lot about the environment you’re in, like, if that’s really your thing, then I’d say just play with it. Make jokes about it to relax the tension you feel in these moments, idk, experiment with it. In the environment and friends you’re coexisting with, this is a part of their social bonding, so you should definitely be a part of it if you care about them… But you don’t have to be gross like they are

  • vagueposting

    Hahaha never heard that before. I loved it

    not allowing obvious liberals to run rampant in lemmygrad is easily recognized as a political outcome focus

    I don’t know what you mean by this paragraph comrade, and I have trouble following your reasoning. But I’ll comment about this. The liberal propagandists should definitely be extracted from our community, but the honest liberals should definitely be heard and honestly debated. On our part, trying as much as possible to ignore provocations and try our best to dismantle their arguments in few words. I see a few reasons why:

    1. liberals have common misunderstandings which are useful to debunk. Some of us are well read (most of us aren’t), so the thinking you had when you were a conservative, liberal or “apolitical” has been lost. You cannot empathize to how liberals think now. Alas, comes a liberal, with doubts, silly mistakes, but they are prevalent in political discourse and thinking. A lurker on the website may be presented with arguments dismantling the same silly mistakes they may have. So in terms of political education this is useful;
    2. we learn to deal with those who think differently. We need to learn to treat a right-winger well and learn how to defuse a tense situation IRL. Not always we manage to do this, often we manage to hurt others from our own camp, but we aspire to do it. We need to learn how to deal with Nazi provocations both online and personally, physically. We need to learn how to deal emotionally with the situation, train ourselves to not be affected by this interaction. You do this by understanding how your opponents think, and respecting as much as possible their identity. So you do not focus on their religion, their political affiliations, their moral stances on subjects, etc. These are divisive points which separates us from these politically alienated people. We cannot change a person’s identity through force or imposition, it only changes socially and historically.

    We need to learn to treat a right-winger well and learn how to defuse a tense situation IRL.

    A comment on this, about treating well right-wing colleagues, etc. (unless they are awful people of course, besides their shitty foolish worldview). Of course a Nazi provocateur should be harassed or physically assaulted until they stop their provocation, because it is ethical to do so. It is ethical to repress genocidal ideologies because you’re saving lives by punishing some. But notice a liberal surely would equate us with genociders! They are indoctrinated by bourgeois ideology. Bourgeois ideology needs to accuse communists of what they do so that they feel at least “equal” in comparison, and thus, shielded from criticism. At least you’re doing genocide for a just cause! Not the communists, they genocide for evil!

    Bourgeois ideology is hegemonic. You should already expect people to be right-wing. You need to learn to accept this fact so that you’re able to be friendly with right-wingers and not be affected by their provocations. Because you understand their worldview is not their fault, they are too distracted to realize the facts, and we need to reach them somehow. How would you achieve this person to eventually learn the facts if you’re provoking the person, teasing them, insulting them, questioning their sanity, their ability to think, mocking them, etc. Practice shows us that these behaviors tend to alienate these people even further, and even worse, alienate yourself from others.

  • Left-wingers tend to be more critical of certain expressions of authority, whereas sometimes this in excess can be destructive.

    Side note on this.

    Many leaders and progressive thinkers were awful in their personal lives, especially with relatives or spouses, like comrade Stalin, Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein, etc. This is because humans make grave mistakes all the time, irrespective of how correct they are. Except Lenin, perhaps, he was both an impeccable human being and very often correct. Look at your own lives, have you not hurt someone? Were you never selfish, arrogant, insensible? People make those mistakes all the time, to a greater or lesser extent. Why should our leaderships be different? Should we disregard historical figures in the past because of their personal mistakes? Should we disregard current leaderships for that?

    I think this is a case by case thing, but sometimes we simply cannot afford to be too much critical. Think of an actual communist, politically isolated, representing a small city in the bourgeois state, or something. If the opposition found out bad stuff about that guy’s past, of course the bourgeois media would create a campaign to hunt them down. In such cases should we join the hunt? This is the challenge of having the correct historical understanding of your time and place, so these choices become clearer. Over the time you start acting based on the political outcome, instead of an abstract moral value which you do not adopt yourself in your life. Then you criticize any mistake in private if possible, outside the eyes of the opposition.

  • One could argue that being gay in the West specifically is curiously associated with a particular identity, which includes music tastes and style of clothing, manner of speaking… Gay people in Brazil has very similar tastes as gay people in US, like adoring “pop divas” like Beyoncé, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, etc.

    But I’m not arguing that, I just noticed that it resembles a gender identity on itself, even if in principle is just a sexual orientation.