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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024


  • How accessible is higher education? is it reasonably priced? free? is it hard to get into a university?

    also how is k12/lower education divided in Iran for example in amerikkka it has 3 stages 1-5 6-8 9-12 and my home country has 3 but its 1-6 7-9 10-12 but i also know some countries have 2 stages. Im always curious about this cuz every country seems to do its own thing.

  • I think it would be a shame, big political institutions are cool imo, i would much much rather see a revolution in amerikkka and having the whole thing become something like the ussr rather than see it break up, but hey it would probably be good for the world in general.

    Either way it aint happening, it would mean civil war and i doubt california wins that.

  • Has housing worsened in “other capitalist countries” tho Australia Canada and the uk certainly but there are places on earth where people are blissfully ignorant of the insanity of the english language, as far as i can see homelessness (to the extreme it exists in the usa) and the housing crisis is a pretty exclusively an anglosphere problem. Related to capitalism for sure but not intrinsic to it, plenty of capitalist countries even in the periphery have no problem at all with housing or only a very minor one.

  • i think that generally if a road is terminating its probably not as important, so that could be it.

    Also there are some intersections near where i live that have this priority and it seems to confuse people so maybe thats a factor but then again i live in amerikkka and these clowns couldnt drive 10 seconds without breaking the law or doing something dangerous if their lives depended on it, probably a result of having to give everyone a license no matter how dog shit they are at driving.

  • I think that people are super weak to confirmation bias and people are constantly blasted with random stuff they have liked in the past and also think about random stuff they like and so sometimes the 2 coincide. Also the algorithms which target u with adds have a huge amount of data and are good at detecting associations so, it could notice that for example when people buy pasta on its own a few days later they get some sauce or something and so it kinda predicts ur thoughts sometimes because in aggregate people are relatively predictable.

  • not all people are as closely tied to land as others and there are several examples thru out history of people who were nomadic to a pretty extreme degree the romani people are the prime example imo but there are plenty of steppe peoples who were entirely nomadic until only a few centuries ago. And there are plenty of historical examples of people being forced out of their land and settling somewhere else (peacefully (atleast at first)) and then building something even greater, Carthage for example and considering that their universe is full of uninhabited planets to terraform i think this has a much better chance of being what they meant.

    I truly can not imagine that ur interpretation was even considered as something anyone could get from the film by anyone who worked on it, I would think they were going for a “home is where u make it” sort of thing rather than land not being important. That being said maybe it shows a bias, perhaps a different society would have never found that ending acceptable, but propaganda? I doubt it.

  • I do think that complexity has risen with time and many people who started out when it was trivially easy and had time to adapt to the new nonsense in steps and with lower stakes upgrades are out of touch and lack understanding of what its actually like for someone getting into it right now. But honestly i still dont think its that hard, i think u got a bit unlucky with a pretty bad guide (i feel like some youtube videos would have been way more helpful), and perhaps a poor choice and combination of components, like u said each pc is different and some combinations of components are just easier to put together than others and some components are just annoying and difficult to deal with i saw in another comment u broke ur heatsink which is very understandable big heatsinks suck to install but someone who went with a close loop liquid cooler would probably not have thought about their cpu cooler twice cuz they are so simple.

    Ultimately tho u are right “immediate-distance supervision” is absolutely the single thing that can improve ur first experience building a pc the most, even just having someone else to sanity check what u are doing even if they are as new to it as u are can be a big help. Best of luck with ur pc and hopeful u decide to go for it again and have a much better time.