Partially sighted stroke and cancer patient, learning to walk again, going through months of foot surgeries. Fighting a disability benefit appeal. I won my last appeal just 2 years ago and am now going through yet another one. All I want is peaceful, painless assisted suicide.

  • 48 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2024


  • We live in the dystopian timeline. It is getting more and more impossible for people around the world to get their basic needs met, while the rich get richer. It’s getting more like Ready Player One by the day, where a few trillionaires own everything and everyone else is in absolutely miserable, hopeless poverty. And it’s crazy that so many powerful Americans call themselves pro-life, the same Americans in charge who let people die due to corporate greed.

  • Thanks for the moral support. The food banks around here are awful, it can take 2 weeks to get an appointment and a typical bag from them contains tea, coffee, milk, sugar, cookies and doritos. I was always starving and was diagnosed with several nutritional deficiencies after relying on them for a few months. When I have asked official places (like citizens advice and macmillan) for help, they just refer me to each other. No-one seems to think it’s their responsibility. I post on mutual aid sometimes, it’s hit and miss. Sometimes my posts get ignored, sometimes they get answered. A couple of people have helped me here on lemmy, for which I am immensely grateful. Without these two sites I can’t imagine how I would have managed. Both in terms of food and friendship. When I got ill all my friends gradually drifted away so I don’t have anyone to talk to in real life.

  • Sorry to hear about your problems. Life is just one never ending battle. For me it’s endless disability benefits assessments and appeals, and even if I get that sorted, the government is threatening to make it impossible to get disability benefits at all, or force us to work even though my doctors say I’m not for for work at all. Neverending quest to get enough to eat. Now a constant battle to access my meds. I wish they would just legalise assisted suicide. They don’t want us alive but don’t want us having a painless exit either. It seems like endless torture just for the sake of it. Meanwhile those in charge live in mansions, get subsidised food in the house of commons which costs the taxpayer £7 million a year, claim things on their expenses that they aren’t entitled to, and then starve us to death to save money.