Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.
On Sunday last week, Damascus fell to Salafi terrorists and other imperialist-aligned forces. Regardless of the flaws of the ousted government, this is a horrible situation for the Syrian proletariat as well as for the people of Palestine, Lebanon and others. We can only hope for the perseverance of the Syrian workers and the remaining anti-colonial resistance.
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Dammit, it’s been hours!
Thanks to /u/ayjanibrahimov@lemmygrad.ml for this week’s picture.
I am sick again. I feel like getting a job in which I see hundreds of people each week has not been great for my immune system. Bird watching while getting wind blasted yesterday probably didn’t help either.
Anyway, I will join the general strike this friday against the new plans of our new regime. It’s my first ever general strike so curious to see what it is like. I have joined smaller strikes at picket lines of specific companies to talk to the workers for our party but that’s on a much smaller scale.
This is definitely one of those weeks where years happened…
So you mean to tell me that a dude that has planned a hit for days in advance managed to get caught in a McDonalds because an employee ‘recognized’ him while still carrying all the stuff of the murder?
Yeah, kinda strange.
muric*nts do anything to spread propaganda
Tomorrow I will join a general strike in Brussels against the government. Excited to see what will happen. Might be a good networking opportunity.
It would be extremely Funny if the New Syrian Government Have their first election, and the results are Majority Pro-Assad
No chance, they’re likely not going to hold an election until they’ve made sure to destroy any remaining sympathy for the previous government.
yup this is how these things go, cant throw elections until the opposition is purged.
The propaganda has been extremely fierce and many people are falling for it. I unfortunately doubt this.
Plus, Russia is reportedly asking Assad to completely disappear from the eyes of the public, in hopes he can be forgotten and they can normalize with the new regime and keep their base in Syria. If this is true, Assad has no chance of a comeback.
— 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇸🇾 Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC ‘Khatam al-Anbiyaa’ Headquarters: ‘Bashar al-Assad did not request Iranian help – in fact he actively prevented us from coming and helping’
General Mohammad Jafar Asadi, deputy commander of Khatam al-Anbiyaa HQ:
– Bashar al-Assad said to one of our (Iranian) officials in a meeting: ‘My soldiers have truly become either smugglers or thieves, they only defend those who offer them bribes and privileges. They could not defend me, and when I wanted to protect at least Damascus, I realized that they were not able to protect Damascus either.’
– Bashar al-Assad did not allow us (the IRGC) to go help the Syrian Arab Army, although he asked us for assistance in the past, but this time he not only did not ask, but he was worried about us arriving, and said that ‘if you come, Israel will probably attack us’.
– Turkey is a part of NATO, and we should not see or accept the presence of this country and its influence anywhere outside of America and Europe. Turkey is a part of them, and with this attitude, it serves America. America is active behind the scenes.
– It seems that the factions present in Syria will clash with each other based on their own different interests. Maybe separating Syria is Turkey’s desire, because they have been coveting a part of Syria for a long time.
Iran is unfortunately not painting the right picture.
Most of Iran’s military help withdrew from Syria months before this happened, especially after the large attacks by Israel against Iran in Syria, like the embassy attack.
Although I don’t have confirmation or evidence, but I rly doubt Assad would refuse Iran help. I could believe that he maybe didn’t request it though, but still unsure.
Pezeshkian has been aiming for normalizing and de-escalation with the West, and we’re seeing the effects of that.
It is true that Assad was also seeking to normalize with Arab states such as UAE and Saudi in attempt to break the suffocating sanctions. This may have made Iran more weary of support, but ultimately they were doing the same thing.
I hope you all have a nice week :D
You too Oppo 😁
Magnificent ! , where is this located in ?
It’s Sapmi a region in Scandinavia it is inhabited by the Sami people they are considered the only native people of Europe they face much oppression and discrimination by the germanic colonizers
Wow , thanks for the info ☺️👍🏼
Have a nice week, Oppo 😁
And a better week to you and comrades everywhere
Horse pretending to be a chicken having a dust bath.
The biggest derp :D
thank you! have a good week as well :D
You too, although mine has started off pretty bleak.
So there’s a lot of videos on telegram of HTS executing people they don’t like…
It is horrible. Those videos are flooding plenty of Telegram channels.
From doctors, minorities to scientists being assassinated, it is as if I am seeing news of a new Pol Pot.
And I had a person respond to me here saying they hope HTS kills all the Kurds in Syria…
May I see em?
Don’t do it comrade. Seeing those videos will deteriorate your mental health and may provoke you gloom. That’s what is happening to me.
It’s a cool experience to see so many union members dressed in red going to Brussels today. A big wave of red just cramming into a train, proper working class people✊🏼
never underestimate labor unions
Too much of the left does.
In What is to be Done Lenin warned about overestimating the revolutionary potential of labor unions.
Labor unions are a great staging ground for agitation and radicalization but they are not revolutionary by nature.
I’m already aware.
Remember, Lion of Damascus will return one day, he is alive and well in Moscow unlike Gaddafi, the only question is when! 🇸🇾
Nah, Assad would rather work as an eye doctor in Russia.
Proletarian revolution in Syria when?
He will definitely continue working as doctor while staying in Moscow, but why wouldn’t he return once all this shit in Middle East ends?
He never really wanted to be president, he had always studied to be a doctor first.
At this point, I sure hope Russia and/or China start supplying nukes to Iran and any country that faces the threat of annihilation at the hands of empire (like Iraq, Libya, and now Syria) should be looking to acquire nukes as soon as possible.
He is very unlikely to return. There’s immense propaganda against him, most of his supporters in Syria are already denouncing him. Russia has reportedly asked him to completely disappear from public eyes, as they want to normalize with new regime and maintain their naval base in Syria. He has no chance to defend himself politically or make a comeback if this is true.
Some criminals allegedly targeted a shop in the city of The Hague with explosives and they managed to explode an entire block of appartments instead. Multiple people died.
An 8 year old boy survived but lost his parents and sister in the explosion. The boy is of Chinese origin and the Dutch Chinese community stepped in to help raise money for him.
People find a way to be racist about this. Maybe some people are beyond redemption.
What the absolute fuck is going on in Europe? This sounds like a farfetched heist movie!
The Netherlands and Belgium are major drug trafficking hubs, mostly due to hosting Europe’s biggest ports. Drug gangs doing hits on eachother is not unheard of. In my city for example you often have grenade attacks on houses. But it’s not entirely sure this is drug related.
Maybe I’m just missing it but I must wonder why that doesn’t make the international news so much. Must be a bit scary to live there.
Probably it doesn’t make it to the news because it will ruin Europe’s image of being the dream place(very different to my homr country Mexico where news about cartel fights are hears everywhere in the world). Same as what happens with the “American dream” being promoted to latin americans.
That does explain things, unfortunately.
Tonight I received a fortune that says, ‘YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR IS A JOY TO ALL.’
My fortune cookie from a week ago was “Laugh at yourself, it feels good sometimes.”