Hedgehog spasm. Not sure if bug or feature.
Hedgehog spasm. Not sure if bug or feature.
There’s beginning to be a sliver of light when I wake up in the morning. I really don’t enjoy getting up when it’s still pitch black outside. Uncritical support to the sun in its struggle to rise at an earlier time. o7
With the way things have been going, maybe we should start wishing each other a nice decade.
Have a nice decade, Oppo! :D
I love that when asked for specifics, your response is just some vague, orientalist drivel. It’s clear you’ve either never been to any of these places or if you have, didn’t actually bother leaving the airport. You say that I’m doing immature romanticizing, but then you try and paint all of these places with a black brush. Anyone who’s traveled outside of their home country will be able to tell that this is just storytelling. The world is of course, far from perfect, but it’s also not the bleak dystopia you describe it as.
the vast Russian Empire.
What year do you think it is?
This is some real 🤡 shit. You’re either a fed or just really depressed. If it’s the latter, I hope that you can get some help. Otherwise, Minecraft is waiting. I see now why everyone else here ignored you and from here on, I will be doing the same. Bye 👋
However, I live in a world of comparatives, not absolutes, and compared to those in the cities and especially countrysides of Russia and China, I’m incredibly free.
So presumably you’ve been to these places, seen their living conditions for yourself, and spoken to locals about their experience. Would you mind sharing the specifics with us all?
Under capitalism, your “freedom” has a price. That price being the every looming threat of poverty, homelessness, and ultimately resulting in death. In China, housing is a constitutional right granted to every citizen.
Must… Temper… Expectations…
This is a very interesting comparison that I hadn’t considered. And it being the farcical repetition is quite apt. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, comrade. 🫡
I’m not so sure. The sharpest decline in living conditions outside of wartime didn’t stop the reaction against communism when the USSR was illegally dissolved against the will of its people. Sure, there was no longer a USSR to point to as evidence whereas Russia still exists and has been developing rapidly in recent years. On the flip side, China very much exists, but that doesn’t stop the Chinese reactionary diaspora from spreading false narratives such as there being no democracy in China.
How will the western powers receive the compensation that they think is owed to them if what remains of Ukraine is absorbed by the surrounding NATO countries?
Their post presidency memoirs versus our four volume Governance of China.
Someone already mentioned sheets, but bedding in general. I spent 3 weeks in Vietnam in December and sleeping in comfy hotel beds revealed how lacking my situation at home was. When I got back, I purchased a new duvet, duvet cover, mattress topper, new pillows and cases, and a headboard (my bed was just a frame). The duvet is filled with wool and it’s been perfect. I live in Canada and the nights have been cold, but not one of them have I been cold in my bed. I even stopped using a flat sheet since the duvet is inside of a cover. It’s been the perfect balance. I’m never cold or sweaty.
Lol. Me feeling carsick and trying to get a cool breeze on my face.
Have a nice week!!
Call it whatever the fuck you want. It’s working 100 million times better than this shit we’re doing. It’s lead to the most rapid increase of quality of life in human history for it’s people. Do you really think they care what you think about their government not being socialist enough?
Poverty is not socialism. To uphold socialism, a socialism that is to be superior to capitalism, it is imperative first and foremost to eliminate poverty.
If Russia has such a powerful military, then why are they using soldiers from North Korea? 😌
Checkmate tankie.
It’s amazing what you can pull off with free labour and CIA funding. I also find it funny how that donation banner still shows up every year when they’ve already accumulated so much capital.
It’s a real shame what’s happened to Mozilla. Maybe Trump will add browser software to the list of sanctions on China and we’ll end up with a Deepfox in a year or two.
Have a nice beak 🪿 week
“I’m a big boy. I bought Stelco knowing that Stelco is in Canada. And you know what? America first.”
South Park character irl
When the source map breaks 😭
Same. I was just thinking about the morning, because I had just got up not too long before. The days are getting longer and I’m here for it!