Terabytes of the same game, just in different colors.
Sort of. The same game, over and over, each time in a different colour, each time with a higher pixel density, each time a little bit worse.
Which is exactly why I stopped playing after Gen 2, which was the peak of the series IMO. If you want to see everything the series has to offer, just play Gold/Silver (or their remakes on the DS). No reason to waste time and money on any other Pokémon game.
I kinda agree, but B2/W2 was actually peak Pokémon. You should give those games a go, it’s samey but polished to rubbish-bag shiny perfection.
Gen 4 was peak IMO, both the new Pokemon were excellent as well as the best remakes ever made. Gen 4 has Platinum and HeartGold SoulSilver which are the best games in the series.
Radical Red and Polished Crystal are peak, in my opinion. I can’t go back to the lack of special/physical split, it’s just awful.
Have you tried Unbound?
I have! It was great as well. I think it’s my favorite original romhack so far. I’m planning on playing Insurgence next, although that’s a fan-game as opposed to real romhack.
I’ve got Insurgence, and Reborn ready to go as soon as I get through Unbound! I’m glad you’ve been able to enjoy these so much! As soon as Did You Know Gaming released a video about Nintendo taking down fan games and rom hacks, I immediately went and got as many of the more polished and lauded ones as soon as I possibly could! :)
I really liked Prism. And I don’t know, Radical Red just played different from how I like my single player pokemon experience.
Pokemon Black/White 1 & 2 are as close to that as you want. Great story, amazing songs that i still hum to this day, and the designs are as solid as Gen 1 and 2.
Next headline “Hackers disappointed that the hacked source code is apparently just the same as the last 16 games”
I laughed way too hard at this
In my head this is a retribution for financing hackers that attacked Internet Archive and nobody can convince me otherwise
Nintendo was responsible for that?
It’s like Lenin said, you look for the person who will benefit… And, uh… You know, you’ll, uh… You know what I mean.
The Dude
„Who benefits the most” from attacking Internet Archive? Big copyright holders whose content was distributed via Internet Archive. The reason given by the group claiming responsibility is so silly I don’t believe it.
[edit] I’ll add to this comment so that I don’t have to reply to everyone specifically.
I don’t believe that if you wanted to attack USA (as people claiming responsibility did) you’d attack it in a way that benefits big corporations most. It sounds like a flimsy distraction from true perpetrators.
deleted by creator
That’s what I’m seeing, unless a documented source eventually shows up.
deleted by creator
What’s that source? You mean anonymous group claiming responsibility being reported in media?
Conjecture is not documentation.
yes, I assume that
What was wild about this assumption?
deleted by creator
There’s motive and circumstances. Nintendo opened every possible front in the last year or so. Now this happens. Even if not related to IA specifically this definitely looks like retribution.
Also, please read my first comment again. I think I made it clear it’s speculation.
… nobody can convince me otherwise
Ignorance isn’t something to be proud of.
deleted by creator
You can believe what you want, but there’s absolutely no way you would be correct. Any large company sponsoring a cyber attack, if caught, would be nailed to the wall and made an example of. The extreme risks are simply not worth the comparatively small reward of reducing a tiny fraction of piracy.
A more realistic and reasonable avenue would have been to sponsor the companies going after IA for copyright infringement as a result of them loaning out unlimited digital copies of books without DRM.
This is a very valid point, yet companies do shady stuff all the time and some even get caught via subpoenas and such. Nintendo can do it in a way that will never be noticeable on their books for sure.
For those curious, this account on Xitter claimed responsibility. Their stated reasons are indeed ridiculous, but I don’t at all have a hard time believing that people can be that misguided.
This is a conspiracy theory I’m completely behind. With all the moves Nintendo has made recently this was the first thing I thought when Internet Archive was compromised
Good. Couldn’t have happened to a worse company other than Nintendo.
Now people can verify if Gamefreak’s excuses for not including all Pokemon in each game since the Switch games are real. And verify how low effort their games are.
Nintendo aren’t the worst company. Not even the worst gaming company. Not when they have competition like Ubisoft and Warner Brothers and EA and Activision.
Of course, if it weren’t for the presence of the aforementioned companies, Nintendo would be the worst.
I mean they take like 33% of that guy named bowser’s life earnings. Which are severely reduced because they also got him thrown in jail for a felony.
That’s pretty uniquely evil
That’s hardly unique when damages exceed what a person can pay, wage garnishing is actually relatively common.
Nintendo also gave Gary Bowser a warning and he signed an agreement saying he would stop his illegal activities… and then he continued anyway.
They gave him an out at no cost and instead he landed himself in prison because he fucked around and found out.
I agree that bowser brought the final outcome on himself, however, that does not expunge Nintendo of guilt.
They continue to collect their 30% or however much it is.
In what way is Nintendo guilty?
If you read the above thread and don’t see it, it’s because they’re overly vindictive. Garnishing someone’s wages is obscene when they’re so incredibly rich. They don’t even need it
That’s just punitive damages awarded by the court and also isn’t unusual.
I don’t know why people defend Gary Bowser like he is an innocent dude. He was part of a Hacker Group that hacked Nintendo Switch, 3DS, GameCube, NES Classic, Xbox and Xbox 360, PlayStation. They SOLD the hacked device’s. He wasn’t your Neighbor that hacked your Switch for a beer. They made Business with it for 10 years. Besides that, Nintendo wasn’t the Person who decided the sentence. It was a Judge. What do you think Nintendo should do? The Judge ruled him for Prison and 14.5 Million and Nintendo says publicly: “No thanks.” Yeah the sentence is way to hard, but the problem is the law and the Judge.
As I mentioned in other comments, I have no illusions that Gary Bowser is innocent or didn’t bring this all on himself. It’s his own fault he kept doing what he was doing.
However, the court doesn’t follow Gary from job to job initiating the process to garnish his wages.
It’s nintendo who is continuing to persecute Gary at this point, not the courts. Garnishing someone’s minimum wage job as a billion dollar corporation is uniquely evil.
I could be wrong, but I have not seen anything remotely close from EA, activision, blizzard, Microsoft, Sony, etc. and my original point was this is uniquely evil to Nintendo.
Sony in the early 2000 was going crazy for Modchips for PS2. They had multiple Cord cases in Europe, in multiple countries and many People needed to pay money in different Country’s.
Later in 2011 George Hotz hacked the PS3, Sony warned him and he stopped. So we don’t know how it would have ended if Sony and George ended up in Cord.
Nintendo also warned Team Xecuter multiple times but the Team wasn’t interested in stopping. There isn’t much difference between PlayStation and Nintendo.
As bad as they are, EA isn’t sending lawyers to every fan project that revives their old games, they are just regular greedy, not petty greedy. Ubisoft to this day ignores Rayman Redemption too.
I’d say they’re not even the worst of the big three console manufacturers. The stuff Microsoft and Sony do to the gaming industry is just as bad, but that’s ignoring that they both have their fingers in a lot of other technological pies where they do some really bad shit.
Source code is only for HG/SS and B2W2, so we still can’t verify anything about the newer genes
Damn. Too bad. But those are both interesting games to have the source code of.
Is the source code for HG/SS the latest or is it from an earlier build?
Now people can verify if Gamefreak’s excuses for not including all Pokemon in each game since the Switch games are real. And verify how low effort their games are.
Wasn’t it true, but due to time not technical issues. Basically they keep redoing/remaking from scratch sprites instead of re-using them.
Nah, some folks got a hold of the wire frames for the sprites from the that version and the previous version and showed most were identical. Of those that weren’t, many were only slightly modified, and clearly not generated from scratch.
Evidence wouldn’t be as concrete as source code, but there was plenty of evidence from data miners. Gamefreak kept moving goal posts when it came to why it wasn’t feasible for Sword and Shield to have all the Pokémon which is my frustration with that situation. I think they complained about the capacity of the cartridge the games were stored on was one, which was readily proven wrong. Dont quote me on that. But I do think the situation with the models was ultimately the case.
Nope. The models have stayed the same from X&Y to Sword and Shield. Only in Scarlet and Violet have they been given an upgrade.
Patent the code and sue Nintendo when they release the game.
You can’t patent code, and it’s automatically copyright protected. Nintendo just needs to prove they wrote the code originally, which should be easy.
You can patent the features that the code makes up.
Also, Nintendo has patented features existing in other games long before, and it hasn’t stopped them. The current lawsuit against palworld contains patent claims for features they do not actually own, which is why they need 100 different lawsuits coming their way so they get a taste of their own medicine.
They have an easy time suing one or two entities, but 100 different ones will have a significant economic impact.
I hate nintendo
Omg LMAO!!! This is actually genius.
It’s nonsensical, so not really.
You clearly don’t understand the joke
Somebody had to find out whether there really was a Mew under the truck in Red and Blue after all.
Someone here recently blew my mind with this video, time for me to pay it forward.
So the glitch never existed but he programmed it in ? Do I understand this right ?
Yeah, from what I can tell, this is basically just what we would now refer to as a “mod”.
It’s also a virus, because it can spread from game to game
A virus that only someone with friends can get. So I’m totally immune… heh 😏
thank you
Pokemon could be made in RPG maker in like 5 minutes.
Pokemon Infinite Fusion is in fact made in RPG maker and is imo the best Pokemon game out there.
If only I can figure out how to get it running on my Steam Deck.
You can just follow the guide they made for it.
*edit- who the hell would be downvoting me for this? It’s literally the guide to run it on steam deck. I think it’s even one of the games co developers that made the guide.
Does it need an emulator or run as it’s own app?
Wonder if I can play it on phone
iPhone users are out of luck afaik but you can try your mileage with android if you have it.
It’d be a no brainer for me if it was just a romhack.
Gonna have to take a look at it
It’s made in RPG maker so it runs its own instance of RPG maker. Someone else posted a guide above.
It’s only intended to be played on PC but the guides are from other users who have done their best to come up with workarounds for various platforms.
I thought RPG Maker could do Android versions?
That’s probably something a person who has no clue about Pokemon could say. You underestimate how many mechanics older games contain, since like half of them are not obvious for casual players. Although I am not sure about gens newer than IV (Diamond and Pearl is the most recent I’ve played), since I haven’t played them. But most people agree that the best games were around that period (Gen IV, or V), and they only become worse over the years.
You got me. It would probably take more than 5 minutes to do. You saw through my web of lies.
Hey! This guy’s a phony!!
Get him! He’s probably heading to the old mill!
It is a menu driven battler that ran on a game boy. It doesn’t take a programming savant to write this, no matter how many mechanics you bolt on top.
It’s a standard RPG but replace the equipment with animals. Done.
Now I kind of want a Flintstones RPG.
Gameboy studio in 30.
I mean, people have already created the majority of their good games from scratch so…
Oh I promise you that isn’t the point.