• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • The actor drops character from time to time when he’s using long sentences and you catch a glimpse of exactly that. I’d love to see him do other stuff as well though. Thug aside, he’s legitimately awesome at breaking down subtext for dumb dumbs like me to get.

  • Give what you can, take what you need. Sometimes it can be worth it to bring a egotistic justification into it for the benefit of those that don’t think like you do.

    Even the most selfish person in existence should see that something like eradicating poverty in the third world might help them.

    Imagine all the potential Einstein’s, Newton’s and Curie’s that never got the chance to study physics or chemistry or engineering or art or agriculture or anything but instead died of sepsis at the age of 4. We literally all benefit from giving freely.

  • Nothing I said assumed you were American. Your philosophy on voting led to Americans not voting and the situation they face right now (which effects other countries too, you know!)

    Furthermore, no one here believes you give half a shit about direct action and organising because if you can’t even motivate yourself to get off the couch and write on a piece of paper once every 3-4 years then there’s no way you’re doing anything meaningful the rest of the time besides spreading apathy on online echo chambers.

  • I mean was there any doubt that what happened to the CEO was murder? Like whether or not it was justified it still was murder. I’m not shedding a tear for it though, too busy reflecting on the thousands dead from his denial of healthcare.

    The issue I take is that when we abstract murder by a few degrees then we just call it business. The CEO can sign a form that will result in the deaths of 1500 people and it’s fine but you hire a hitman and you’re guilty. At what point is the line drawn?

    If I construct a rube goldberg machine that results in a gun being fired then am I responsible? What if that machine drops a pachinko puck that results in the gun being fired 50% of the time? What if I muck about with someone’s food and increase their risk of cancer by 4%?

    This is a genuine question I’d love an answer to.