I’d pick wolf. They generally leave you alone and don’t want anything to do with you. I don’t know shit about gorillas
Gorillas will tear off your face and testicles AFAIK. Just imagine the depraved shit a human would do to you assuming they could get away with it without repercussion.
They wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you up.
Gorillas are WAY more chill than chimpanzees. Just dint make eye contact and be respectful to the gorilla and it will leave you alone. They know that they are capable of fucking you up, and they know you know.
Especially since it’s a single wolf. I don’t think I’d choose a pack over the others.
Also, wolves are crap at climbing trees.
I choose the wolf. I already have 2 inside me, they’ll just see me as another member of the pack.
sounds kinda gay ngl
Depends if you’ve been feeding them well.
Three Wolf Interior Moon?
I definitely would like more 3 wolf moon shirts to show on the outside what’s going on inside.
That third one is also gay
Does this forest get smaller over the course of the night like a hunger games arena?
Animal royale
We should do the opposite of Noah’s arc where we put 2 of every animal, including humans, in the Houston Astrodome and have them fight to the death until one emerges.
Do we all get prep time. And can animals who are capable of making them get tools, or do we have to make tools ourselves
He didnt say forest. He said Forrest, as in Gump. Maybe Forrest gets smaller as he gets old.
so is this like a storm in a battle royale where once it collapse i win? Except instead of winning, i’m no longer lost?
Wolf. Wolves are naturally shy of humans, and while gorillas are also, gorillas are also much bigger and stronger. If one decides it’s mad at you it will pull your limbs off. Or worse. A wolf will try to rip you apart and tear your throat out if it’s mad at you, but since it’s in a different weight class you might actually stand a chance if you curl up in the fetal position or whack it in the face with a rock.
If Trading Places taught us anything, a gorilla may also fall in love with you
Wolf attacks on humans are rare but common enough to have their own Wikipedia page, but there’s no record of wild gorillas killing anyone.
Which means they’re either super chill, or really fucking sneaky about it.
IIRC gorillas are indeed pretty chill if you respect their territorial instincts, as opposed to, say, a chimp that might try to kill you more or less on a whim
for some reason i find it funny how the animals more related to humans are the more ruthlessly violent ones. apparently bonobos are much more violent than chimps, and orangutans are less violent than gorillas
it makes me wonder how aggressive early australopithecus was compared. apparently they did a lot of cannibalism so probably at least slightly more than non-australopithecus humans. they probably weren’t even close to as aggressive as chimpanzees considering how significantly weaker they were though
Wolves are also a lot more common, though.
Thanks Obama.
Or they happen in Africa so we don’t usually hear about them.
I like big apes.
Gorilla? I feel like being super submissive and not making eye contact would probably keep it from tearing off my arms to use as drumsticks? I’m not a gorilla expert though, so anyone who knows more can feel free to tell me. Although I guess with a wolf, you could just climb a tree and be ok, depending on how long you have to stay. Either, I guess. I’m pretty convinced that I’ll die trying to pet a wild animal when the moron part of my brain tells me it’s friend-shaped, anyway, so whatever.
You’re not completely wrong, but if safety is your concern then you should really be operating under the assumption that the animal will attack you. In that case you’ve chosen a 200 kg gorilla who can climb over a 40 kg wolf who can’t. Bears are actually the heavier of the three depending on race and gender, and some of them can climb while others cannot.
Grizzlies can’t climb but if they want to get to you, they’ll just dig out the tree you’re on.
For real, but Grizzlies are the second worst outcome you could end up with in the bear category.
With the first one being ice bears?
If you encounter a black bear, make yourself big and threatening. If attacked, fight back.
If you encounter a brown bear, stay facing it but avoid eye contact and back away slowly. If attacked, play dead.
If you encounter a polar bear, pray for a quick death.
I’m going Wolf personally. I might have a chance with a wolf, gorillas are stupid strong. No thanks.
Also, you can just climb a tree, it is a forest after all
Yeah. Wolves suck at climbing trees.
A single wolf is just a big dog. A gorilla can pick you up and tear you in half.