This is what we Romanians call “pancakes” (clătite). In the US for example, these are not “pancakes”. What Americans call “pancakes”, we call “clătite americane” (American pancakes) or just “pancakes” (the untranslated English word).
~The pancakes in the photos were made by me~
In finland american style pancakes are not really a thing that people make. usually we make crepe style pancake called lettu but we also have a thing that translates to pancake(pannukakku) that is not made in a pan but in oven on trays and they are usually denser and thicker than american style pancakes.
that’s crêpes in France , and блины (bliny) in Russia
In Croatia we call them palačinke (“pa-la-cheen-ke”)
We call them Hot Cakes in Mexico (or in my town at least), also what am I seen in the second pic? A Hot Cake taco?
Палачинки (palachinki) in Bulgarian. Also, hello fellow Lidl-customer and Martenitsa-enjoyer.
In Hungarian its “palacsinta”. Wow, I didn’t know we say this similarly.
I think it’s similar in Czech, and in our (Italian) family, my mother’s side is Austrian and “palacinken” (some italianized german word) has been a family dish forever.
i think we call those crepes. They’re thinner pancakes.
My wife is English and she calls my pancakes “scotch pancakes”. Meanwhile she makes crêpes and calls those “pancakes”. Shit is crazy, yo.
as someone from the north of England, “scotch” or “ scotch drop” pancakes are very different from crepes and folks here will fight over that
Icelandic: pönnukökur (plural), pönnukaka (singular)
Kaka is babyslang for shit in germany.
I’ve heard that it means shit in a few languages. I for one love eating kaka
Poor guy just liked playing soccer, why would you eat him? :(
Huh I hear the same word used occasionally in english. I wonder if that’s regional or not.
That word goes all the way back to Proto-Indo-European, making it far older than English itself. In fact, it’s older than Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, all of which decended from Proto-Indo-European.
The more you know! 🌠
pancakes, or breakfast frisbees, or syrup tortillas, or standby drink coasters.
Pancakes! some of my stacks
cw: meat
a simple concession for my vegetarian and vegan friends that hurts nobody. empathy is free you know!
If empathy is free, then why don’t I have any 🦍
Pannenkoeken in the Netherlands and they look remarkably similar
I think it’s similar in German - pfannkochen or something like that
Yes, Pfannkuchen (which means exactly pancake). But only in west Germany. East call them Eierkuchen. (Eggcake)
A bit thicker though. Otherwise it is called a flensje.
In the US those would be called Crêpes. The thicker, fluffy version are pancakes. And the things that Japan makes are perfection. Actual Pan Cake.
The things that Japan makes.
Holy shit, that looks heavenly!
Its like a pancake soufflé. I once saw a tiny woman eat an entire dinner plate sized cube of one. It was fascinating. (I think it was mostly air)
They also make savory versions :)
Blynai (general term) / Lietiniai (specific type) American ones are Amerikietiški blyneliai, but no one talks about or makes them .
I had never made crepes until I met a Romanian at work and once she found out I cooked, she encouraged me to make her some things to remind her of home.
We had clatite first, with nutella and preserves. Now I usually think of crepes as clatite since that was what I got familiar with first. 😄
We also had Parprikash with mamaliga, and my favorite of the bunch, cozonac! I made 2, one with the nut filling, and I want to say the other was poppy. The nut one I have made a few times since. So tasty, and the rum flavoring makes it so unique!
She just randomly disappeared on day, so I don’t know if she quit or what, but I will always have fond memories of my bried education on Romanian food!
You met some Romanian fairy creature that dined and ditched you.
Lol she was very secretive!
She had a husband supposedly, but she never really talked about him other than saying he existed. She came over for the paprikash dinner, but he did not. She supposedly came to America as a child. Her and some others were supposed to be here for some sports tournament thing, but whoever had the money in Romania stole it ,so they were stuck here and most of them just stayed.
We joked in the office she was in some weird kind of mafia situation, and then one day we never saw her again. Her whole situation was mysterious and fascinating from start to finish.
There are worse spirits I could have encountered and a hungry Romanian one! 😆
Panquecas. Literally a portmanteau of the english word.
That’s not what portmanteau means
Pancakes = pan + cakes
We have the portmanteu. Not all is lost.
You know the word for the import and adaptation of a foreign word into another language?