I hope we give a real advisory and just straight up mark the country yellow, possibly orange for anybody not hetro or white instead of just telling people to “check visa requirements” so papa US doesn’t get angry…
Mexico’s been yellow with orange area’s for years while crime rates in some area’s are totally comprable.
They are losing it and we’d to well to remember there are more weapons there per capita there than we have bicycles.
(The scale is green, yellow, orange, red, for those that don’t know what i’m on about. Green obviously meaning (relatively) safe, and red essentially being a warzone.)
The Dutch have yet to update the travel advice: https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/reisadvies/verenigde-staten-van-amerika
But I wouldn’t go to the United States, even if they were to give me millions.
I’m too critical of Trump on my socials, I’ll be Room 101’ed immediately.
I hope we give a real advisory and just straight up mark the country yellow, possibly orange for anybody not hetro or white instead of just telling people to “check visa requirements” so papa US doesn’t get angry…
Mexico’s been yellow with orange area’s for years while crime rates in some area’s are totally comprable.
They are losing it and we’d to well to remember there are more weapons there per capita there than we have bicycles.
(The scale is green, yellow, orange, red, for those that don’t know what i’m on about. Green obviously meaning (relatively) safe, and red essentially being a warzone.)