Call your senators, they can still block this despite Schumers push. This is not a done deal. The vote is tomorrow. If all republican vote for it, they need 7 dems. 8 with Rand Paul who has said he’ll vote no. (Republicans are not using reconciliation so it needs the the filibuster)
Many senate dems are publicly coming out against voting for cloture (meaning they won’t vote to let it get through the filibuster). As of what I last read, around 10 dems are thought to potentially vote to let it pass filibuster. Most of those are still not sure. We only need a handful more of those to become noes and it will get blocked. Some yeses have flipped to noes because of public pressure. We cannot let up now
Fetterman is an asshole for sure, but he’s also inconsistent. He does sometimes vote the right way, and sometimes doesn’t. He is less pressurable than other dems, but it doesn’t mean he can’t be pressured at all. It is still worth calling him. If nothing else his staffers hearing those calls might talk to other dems about how widespread they are and help other dems flip
Call your senators, they can still block this despite Schumers push. This is not a done deal. The vote is tomorrow. If all republican vote for it, they need 7 dems. 8 with Rand Paul who has said he’ll vote no. (Republicans are not using reconciliation so it needs the the filibuster)
Many senate dems are publicly coming out against voting for cloture (meaning they won’t vote to let it get through the filibuster). As of what I last read, around 10 dems are thought to potentially vote to let it pass filibuster. Most of those are still not sure. We only need a handful more of those to become noes and it will get blocked. Some yeses have flipped to noes because of public pressure. We cannot let up now
Link to find direct numbers your senators
Or call the capitol switch board (202) 224-3121
Fetterman hears me.
Fetterman don’t care.
Fetterman is an asshole for sure, but he’s also inconsistent. He does sometimes vote the right way, and sometimes doesn’t. He is less pressurable than other dems, but it doesn’t mean he can’t be pressured at all. It is still worth calling him. If nothing else his staffers hearing those calls might talk to other dems about how widespread they are and help other dems flip
I already called the asshole and yelled at the intern.
It will do fuck all like it always does.
I’m never voting D again. Bunch of fucking assholes and useless nerds
Better to tell the cowards you will vote for and contribute to anyone opposing them in the primaries.
Good News!
If this passes, there won’t be another election!