This is meant to be a non-exhaustive list, in stream-of-consciousness order.
Dedicated systems
- Traveller (in its many incarnations throughout the past nearly 50 years and derivatives such as Cepheus, Hostile)
- 2300 AD (now a setting for Traveller)
- Cyberpunk (2013, 2020, V3.0, Red)
- Paranoia
- Eclipse Phase
- Lancer
- Star Wars roleplaying (different games by different publishers: WEG d6, d20, FFG NDS)
- Warhammer 40K
- 3:16: Carnage Amongst the Stars
- Shadowrun
- Apocalypse World
- Coyote & Crow
- SLA Industries
FATE based systems
- Bulldogs!
- Mindjammer
- Nova Praxis
- Diaspora
- Atomic Robo
OSR/d20 based systems
- Stars Without Number
- Starfinder
- Mothership
Year Zero
- Mutant: Year Zero
- Alien: The RPG
- Blade Runner: The RPG
- Coriolis – The Third Horizon
A host of modules and supplements named after the subgenre, GURPS-style. GURPS Transhuman Space, Cyberpunk, etc.
Other systems
- Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius 2d20)
- Dune: Adventures in the Imperium (Modiphius 2d20)
- Rifts (Palladium)
- Robotech (Palladium)
- Scum and Villainy (FitD/PbtA)
Solo friendly
- Stoneburner
- Ironsworn: Starforged (PbtA)
- Hostile (Cepheus/Traveller)
Out of print/No longer developed
- Firefly RPG (Cortex Plus)
- Serenity RPG (Cortex Classic)
- Battlestar Galactica RPG (Cortex Classic)
- Gamma World (D&D)
- Space Opera
- Other Suns
- Albedo
- Space Master
- Blue Planet
- Ringworld
- Living Steel
- High Colonies
- Jovian Chronicles
- Heavy Gear
- Justifiers
- Star Frontiers
- Universe
Have a suggestion to improve this? Your favorite game missing? Leave a comment.
Blue Planet is getting an update - Blue Planet: Recontact
The Kickstarter closed some time ago, and several beta PDFs have been provided.
Based on the Modern AGE ruleset.
The irony is that The Expanse was first conceived as an online RPG setting. They couldn’t get funding, so they played it “mail in” style on a forum. This became the basis of the first book. The book series was, in turn, turned into an tabletop RPG. We’ve almost gone full circle.
Are we counting splatbooks like Fabula Ultima: Techno Fantasy