Why is there no country where you have more terminating-road-priority intersections as opposed to continuing-road-priority intersections?

Example of terminating road priority: Road A terminates at an intersection with Road B. Road B has to yield to vehicles turning onto Road B (especially cross-lane turns)

  • StalinIsMaiWaifu@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    2 main reasons:

    1. Continuing roads have higher traffic and therefore higher priority

    2. Engineers want traffic to stop as little as possible. Take a “T” intersection, the cross (-) does not have to stop, but for the stem (I) to change directions they will want to snow down, so making them stop is easy

    • The Free Penguin@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 months ago

      Is it not better to have shorter stops as opposed to longer stops? Usually the terminating road would not have any cars on it, so the continuing road would run as usual, but in the event that the terminating road does have a car, it should be able to safely access the continuing road without stopping

      • StalinIsMaiWaifu@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        What you’re suggesting would require a stop light + sensors to be done safely. That costs much more than just putting up a stop sign on the road that is normally empty.

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Germany has “rechts vor links” (right before left, defermined by direction of approach) right of way priority, but only when not otherwise marked and typically in low traffic and lower speed areas. So in a residential area the T stem would have right of way to the left side of the T cross, but has to yield to the right side. In higher traffic and/or higher speed areas the main road more often has right of way, regardless of continuation or termination. So you can also have T intersections in which one of the sides of the T cross have to yield to all others.

    Most of the time it just makes sense in terms of approach speeds and traffic flow to have the continuing road take right of way.

  • Finiteacorn@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    i think that generally if a road is terminating its probably not as important, so that could be it.

    Also there are some intersections near where i live that have this priority and it seems to confuse people so maybe thats a factor but then again i live in amerikkka and these clowns couldnt drive 10 seconds without breaking the law or doing something dangerous if their lives depended on it, probably a result of having to give everyone a license no matter how dog shit they are at driving.