Posteo seems pretty good. It’s not free but you can pay pretty anonymously with cash by mail.
Posteo seems pretty good. It’s not free but you can pay pretty anonymously with cash by mail.
At this point that’s the only way Ukraine can pay even debt maintenance on all the “aid” they’ve been getting from the US and vassals.
Imperialists have been salivating over Ukraine’s natural riches for a while already.
Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.
US foreign aid is like the former, with the additional element that it actively prevents anyone from teaching themselves how to fish.
Now with USAID gone and BRICS offering a real alternative to the Bretton Woods institutions, resource rich and overexploited countries have a real chance of teaching themselves how to fish and become sovereign.
The empire’s previous BRI “alternative” of more of the same debt trap diplomacy wasn’t working so it’s on to more direct threats.
This is quite a piece coming from this guy.
No thanks, I’d rather entrust the security of the end of civilization to floppy discs.
So wages are up 40-50% as well, right?
Found as in discovered.
I apologize for the ambiguity.
I have done a bit of programming. I’m not familiar with the MediaWiki backend but I’m happy to learn. I can basically do anything related to the hosting, backend, backups, storage, and small customizations.
Of course the Americans chose not to believe the Soviets about the death camps, that is until the Americans found death camps themselves and had no choice but to admit their mistake.
The Jews were predictably treated horribly by the Americans after the war.
I could do some system admin type stuff if there’s help needed in that area. I’ve had a Linux homelab for the last four or so years as a hobby and brought some of those skills into my work over the last two years as well. I’ve done project management as well. In a corporate environment it’s definitely not my thing but I’d give it a try in a more collaborative space.
I would also like to write at some point but it’s never been a priority between everything else in life so I don’t get around to it.
Meanwhile r/conservative is complaining that “leftists” are taking over reddit. So I guess everyone who isn’t openly Nazi is a leftist now.
I’ve gotta get around to shredding and then deleting my old account too.
Inb4 Trump argues that the two term limit only applies to consecutive terms.
I was being told by German media that it was the Chinese.
As someone who has made music and tried to turn it into a job, the part that basically everyone hates is the marketing of said music. Making it is wonderful, just as making any art typically is. It’s the turning that labour of love into cold hard cash which capitalism forces us to do that’s awful.
But at least we can look at ourselves in the mirror.
They can too. A “benefit” of not having empathy and emotionally understanding that their gain is the loss and labour of many others.
It’s a feature, not a bug.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t make it any further than their nearest highway.
The 2016 evacuation of Fort McMurray involved “just” 80,000 from the town and there were enough traffic issues then.
Synthetic alternatives that are 90% cheaper and can only be differentiated from naturally occurring diamonds by supply chain tracing. There’s literally no detectable physical difference.
I used Hopscotch briefly, which looks a lot like Postman but it’s FOSS and can be self hosted.