title. Both the USA and its lapdog Israel are easily the most evil, cancerous countries to exist today, and almost everyone knows why.

Personally, I’d have to nominate Japan. Extremely xenophobic country, high suicide rates, exploitative work culture, etc… Furthermore, as a Chinese, the fact that they still have shrines for their war criminals and whitewash their past is beyond deplorable, not to mention that right-wing anime fascists that simp for that country exacerbate my disdain furthermore.

  • videogame [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Probably the UK

    Increasingly more US-like in politics, the media is somehow even worse, and insane Islamophobia

    And the food isn’t good apparently the baked beans they put on everything aren’t even the same as American baked beans they’re just beans in tomato sauce and that sounds like shit

    • UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      I second Nonce Island for all of that and more.

      Even bringing up those things (like the unseasoned beans on toast thing) tends to cause gammon attacks, including here.

      The unprecedented bloodsoaked British Empire’s many atrocities in centuries past tend to get glossed over by modern glazers that really, really like Doctor Who or whatever, making them very jumpy about criticism of Merry Olde England in particular.

      The numerous abuses and offenses of the so-called royal family are covered up and they cover for each other as well. epsteingelion

      Scotland really needs to secede already.

  • FortifiedAttack [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Ukraine, any way you see it.

    Led by a far right dictator who suspended elections indefinitely and outlawed the opposition, is hellbent on exterminating Russian minorities and their culture (such as Orthodox church) while sending tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainians to their deaths in a war they have no chance of winning, all while the country is being sold to Western vultures and being destroyed by Russian missile barrages.

    I don’t really think you can live in a worse place today.

    • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
      1 month ago

      Everything Ukraine is, it owes to the US and to the UK/Klanada for so lovingly preserving and nurturing the Banderites to return back (and as more of a threat than they were before), though.

      Ukraine is terrible, but much of the guilt stems from the Anglo world which was there every step of the way to ensure that only the most fascistic, suicidally destructive, hateful Ukraine could develop, that there was no space for a decent Ukraine (that those decent Ukrainians were driven out of their homes to Russia, or were burned alive, shelled in their cities, suffered pogroms, etc). From the Euromaidan coup and the backing of blatant Nazis, the decade of broken agreements and genocidal crimes against ethnic minorities with western aid throughout, the sabotaging of peace right at the start of the war, and till now, the blame may rest on Ukrainians- but even more so, it rests on the Anglo (5 Eyes) and NATO cracKKKerverse, if you ask me.

      The Ukrainians tried for neutrality, they tried for peace, countless times. Each time this was destroyed- not by Russia, but by the west and the Banderites the west was backing. Every crime Ukraine commits, the Anglo devils are guilty of inspiring, coercing, instructing, and overseeing if you ask me, and that guilt is 1000x more than even the Ukrainians (who are some poor sops if you ask me) have.

      Something similar is with Isntreal and the Zionists, actually, though in their case by the very nature of what they are (settlers) they hold an equal share of the guilt. The Zionist regime could not exist, period, if the cracKKKerverse of settler-devils (the Anglosphere, France, and Germany particularly) did not nurture it from its inception. Even now much of the Jewish population across the world does not necessarily want to be involved with it, and many are vocally disgusted and horrified by it- yet this is what the devil cracKKKerverse desires, this is what they promote, settlerism and fascism (Zionism).

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
    1 month ago

    As an ethnic Chinese, Japan may be bad, but at least they mind their own business (mostly/comparatively). There’s certainly no way that they’re the “worst” after the US/Isntreal, when the cracKKKerverse is still busy going around on genocidal crusades in the MENA region, conducting settler-colonial genocides, and trying to instigate WW3 and destroy the prosperity and development of China, Russia, all of the BRICS and ASEAN/etc to keep on top.

    When contrasted to the settler-devils (the 5 Eyes- US/UK/Canada/Australia/NZ, France, and Isntreal) Japan looks outright saintly nowadays in comparison, and that’s despite how shitty their government (which was preserved and designed to be this way by Uncle Sam) is.

    the fact that they still have shrines for their war criminals and whitewash their past is beyond deplorable,

    All the imperialist devils do this, Germany at most just has some “slight” embarrassment about a certain mustache man and his most prominent followers, but then look at their celebration of West German former Nazis (“freedom fighters,” etc), look at their leaders cheering on industrial genocide in Palestine, or at monsters wearing human flesh like frau genocide/von der Leyen praising her Nazi grandpa who “fought for European integration” and you’ll get an idea of what they still are truly about.

    If nothing else, Japan had the “decency” to reject militarism, and much of the population continues to reject it to this day, even if their government hasn’t. The collective cracKKKer devilry of the west still gleefully engages in international genocide, destabilization, regime change, and warmongering. I honestly don’t think Japan’s evil (as genuine of an issue as it is) is even remotely comparable to the sheer hateful, wretched evil of any of the Anglo countries or much of western Europe (Ireland as one of the key exceptions).

    And Japan’s indigenism (within their home islands and not Hokkaido/Ryukyu) is also of merit in and of itself. In contrast, the wretched Anglo settler-societies are a genuinely unnatural, cancerous growth on the world with no justification whatsoever (and which will never acquire such justification). The mentality of settler-ism, and the mentality of cracker-ism (which is also deeply tied to settler-ism) is considerably different from that of modern Japan’s, for all their serious, grievous ills.

    • lemmyseizethemeans@lemmygrad.ml
      30 days ago

      Japan is difficult. When you take the historical context into consideration, they were isolationist for a long time had their doors blown open by the US gunboats saying ‘trade or we destroy your capital’, suddenly the emperor is not a God cause he can’t stop the white foreign invaders… so racism everywhere, especially against Koreans. But tons of folks aren’t, there’s a strong push no preserve the 9th amendment to prohibit foreign wars…

      Everywhere sucks but the countries that suck the most are the ones actively murdering people abroad for resources and profit.

      • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
        30 days ago

        Agreed that Japan is difficult (but ultimately at least doesn’t go on modern crusades and genocides anymore).

        Personally I see Japan in many ways as a tragic case of sinking to the same levels of barbarism as the west- as a history nerd, Japan could have done such amazing things- but they didn’t, though there were some genuine, well-intentioned pan-Asianists and anti-imperialists, ultimately evil won out time and time again, and then the US took over and ensured they continued on that path.

        Reading history, they were in many ways at first a triumph for the non-white, non-western world, even for all that their triumph was seriously compromised- the entire world, even the Chinese and Koreans looked on in admiration when they won the Russo-Japanese war, and the historical testaments of anti-imperialist/anti-western figures across the world- from Sun Yat-sen to Nehru, from Lenin to those in Ethiopia and Egypt and the Ottoman empire, etc… that they sunk to such barbarism is one of history’s greatest tragedies IMO, alongside other such tragedies like the existence of the Brit*sh, Colombus’ “discovery” of the Americas, the founding of the USA, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

        Honestly IMO, if Japan had been genuinely anti-imperialist, if they had not absorbed western barbarism, if they had worked alongside China, Korea, and perhaps even the Soviets, they could have liberated not only all of Asia, but even eastern Africa (and all of Africa in due time). Japan could have been a bright torch for humanity, but instead they became an example of the worst of it.

        I’m saying this all as someone whose family on both sides were in the unfortunate circumstances, of being ethnic Chinese in then-British Malaya during the Japanese occupation- it’s just a complete and utter shame, the path Japan went down. In many ways (for the non-ethnic Chinese) the fact of the matter, when one reads history, is that the Japanese were even welcomed as liberators by many (not all) southeast Asians- but then quickly wore off their welcome and then some. Originally there had been such beautiful hopes for pan-Asian (non-Japanese imperialist) cooperation as well, in China and in Korea- but the Japanese ultimately spat on those hopes and made worse than a mockery of it all.

  • HakFoo@lemmy.sdf.org
    30 days ago

    Leichtenstein, Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands, and the like.

    The existence of tax-haven microstates is an assault on good governance everywhere.

    TBH any of their nearest neighbours could field a squad of a few dozen drunken football hooligans and end the novelty toy countries in an evening. The Caymans might take a bit longer until someone can sober up enough to steer the boat.

    • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
      30 days ago

      Fucking yes.

      Those nations are literal fucking scourge.

      Best we can hope for is those hooligans catch a couple of pigs making deposits there.

  • Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml
    30 days ago

    It would have to be france since outside of the US, France is the NATO country with the largest military power and the one which runs a thinly viewed colonial empire in Northern Africa.

    You could also put South Korea, which happens to be even more of a corporate hellhole than Japan, or maybe Saudi Arabia, an opportunistic monarchy which pumps out massive amounts of oil and helps keep the American empire afloat.

  • Burningmeatstick@lemmygrad.ml
    30 days ago

    Although India, Ukraine and Japan are bad in their own unique ways. I still feel as someone else who is ethnic Chinese, probably the UK, the ultimate source of the scourge that is the five eyes nations. A collapsing country is what they deserve for what they’ve done. In terms of active damage, the French with their own colonial endeavors in West Africa and on the islands of New Caledonia

  • Large Bullfrog@lemmygrad.ml
    30 days ago

    South Korea is probably the one country I look at and I’m like yeah, I’m really glad I wasn’t born there. At least people in poor African and Latin American countries aren’t so controlled and atomized.

  • darkernations@lemmygrad.ml
    30 days ago

    If we define the worst countries as the ones that can affect the most people negatively by capitalism; this means imperialism, and also to consider if the country in question has a domestically large enough population to affect.

    Which means, aside from the countries mentioned, they could be: UK and India.