I’m not talking about PSL, just who might use that language.
Ultra-left accelerationist Dengist
My matrix is @queercommie28:matrix.org
I’m not talking about PSL, just who might use that language.
Explicit patsocs sometimes call for that, but often they stick to the “working class” which happens to be strictly blue collar and not all proles.
I haven’t played a game in a while but thank you for spoiling.
If I didn’t have anything else on my plate I could do a Reddit x Lenin type response to most of the stuff in the book in not too long and format it.
I could crank out a better book in two weeks lol.
Yeah, most “tankies” have heard of the cia thing, the anti-settlers bs, and so on, while the great gatsby and Zeno’s paradox are fairly common knowledge. Its totally unclear what he’s trying to accomplish, even how he thinks this would impress anyone.
I think the point is that they have better analysis or knowledge, but that’s still an absurd way to put it.
It reads more like bourgeois philosophy. Needlessly complicated, expecting you to be familiar with the subject matter before you read the book, and being an exercise in showing the reader just how much the author knows and has read.
Schopenhauer reincarnated but he likes Hegel now. None of the examples are even particularly obscure though.
I haven’t read losurdo either but I’ve heard he’s good.
Class struggle in the Soviet Union or globally? More investigation may be due, but my impression is that he continued many of Khrushchev’s policies and the USSR continued to decline in this era.
As I expected. Khrushchev was not just revisionist for denouncing Stalin. That’s all a lot of people care about, but he declared the end of class struggle and implemented bad “reforms” that led to the rotting of the union from the inside. Brezhnev did nothing to reverse such revisionism.
Lmao checks out.
Spoiler that shit. It’s long.
No, Amerikkkan dominance is great, we just just need to vote it back into the right hands.
No one is worshipping cockshott. “Cults of personality” are a liberal concept. What matters is ruthless criticism of all that exists, ie evaluating all claims of any individual or organization critically. I’m not even a cockshott fan, I just heard he was decent and saw a couple decent videos. I have yet to do my own critical evaluation.
Not to start this struggle session again, but his prostitution take isn’t that bad. Under capitalism prostitution is a sorry means of survival or petty bourgeois lifestyle. “Sex work” under socialism is an absurdity. People can fuck whomever and still get the minimums for life, but it doesn’t make sense to pour money into an unproductive industry. If anything - as cockshott implies - stay at home parents are worthy of monetary compensation for their contribution to society.
I was aware of the terf stuff and unequal exchange stuff, but didn’t have much exposure to it. I will look into those links.
Idk but I was given this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16bue8TQo-knWAKlkpuNBnePOs7j7KDh11aDoNa_dPO0/edit
I just started concerta and it’s pretty nice. All it changed is that there’s less miserable time in between tasks where I’m trying to transition or stuck on my phone. Haters and losers say ADHD meds turn you into a mindless drone but that is not true. Most of my extra focus has gone towards “unproductive” hyperfixations (although I’ll try to get more work done, it just didn’t seem as important for a bit). There’s the expectation in this capitalist society that if you’re using drugs to focus better all that extra ability to do things belongs to the exploiters, but you can certainly use it only occasionally when you need it for work and otherwise to empower yourself to do what you like more in free time.