Not just ANY bail bond joint, “A 2nd Chance Bail Bonds” in Atlanta.

    • Alien Nathan
      1 year ago

      Someone has already explained the mechanics of bail to you but from a cultural perspective it’s important to note that someone going to one of these storefront bail bondsmen is interpreted as a sign that you are

      1. in an awful lot of trouble

      2. probably a person to avoid because your problems will have a tendency to become my problems

      3. broke enough that you’re willing to pay punitive interest in order to stay out of jail

      Normally I’d be all on my soapbox about how the bail system essentially means that poor people get punished more for the same crimes and shit like that but this guy really is an absolute monster. Back in the 90s everyone loved him for “cleaning up New York City” using the twin powers of aggressively racist policing and violence against homeless people. After 9/11 they all but made him a saint, started calling him “America’s Mayor” and shit like that, but those of us who had been paying attention knew that he was a shit leader and a shit person who was benefiting from the fact that we needed someone to rally behind after the tragedy that was the 9/11 attacks. Watching him be exposed for the grifter and criminal that he always was has been cathartic for a lot of people.

      1 year ago

      If you have a lot of money/property you put that up for 100% of the bail amount, which you get back if you show up to court.

      If you don’t have enough money/property, you go to a bondsman, pay the 10% and they put up the other 90%. You never get your 10% back even if you show in court.

      So if you’re gonna run, you just pay the 10%, which over the decades resulted in bail amounts 10x higher than they should be.

      It’s basically a “poor tax” that Rudy apparently has to pay.

        1 year ago

        So the bail bondsman isn’t going to come after you to get back the 90% he lost when you didn’t show up for court?