Which app can I add words to block? Meaning if I add a word, then any post with that word in the title is blocked? Bonus points if I can block entire instances. I’m using Jerboa, but it doesn’t seem to have either of those features.
Sync has word, domain, community, user, and instance filters.
I block “crypto,” and life became good.
I just installed this app. I don’t like the whole data collection policy, but the filter functionality is superb. Thanks!
Edit: I moved the title above the card and now it looks good. I’m pretty pleased with Sync so far.
Do you know if there’s a way to increase the line height of the text, or add more space in-between cards? Everything is kind of smushed up next to everything else. It feels cluttered compared to Jerboa.I would try but they want too much data. Such an application should not collect anything.
+1 for Sync
Infinity, though it’s a bit tricky to do.
Connect has filters with regex support.