Yes, with a respirator.
Yes, with a respirator.
The problem is that glass absorbs energy to break, polymer deforms to absorb energy. So you have something absorbing energy in two different ways that robs kinetic energy very well.
Even just a normal household double pane window with one thin layer of polymer on both panes will take a long time to bust through with a hammer if the outer polymer is bonded to the frame appropriately. If you put paper tightly between both panes top to bottom, you would be in for a task because the paper reenforces against the deflection the hammer imparts.
You aren’t allowed to use tools with the money case, but ignoring that, you could shoot it with a .50 cal AP round towards the top and almost certainly make it through and then you just hammer and crowbar down to get the cash by peeling away the glass.
The other way you could attack it is to just drive a car at the far side from the support and hopefully peel the glass away from the frame enough to get in.
Even taking a hammer to it would be a laborious task to make any meaningful progress in a reasonable amount of time. A pickaxe would be useful, a framing hammer face less so.
That helps with the glass, but bulletproof glass uses multiple polymer layers and tempered glass layers alternating.
So you would only get through the top glass layer and do nothing to the polymer layers or 2nd layer of glass.
DEVIANTart. It is in the name. You put deviants in a content eco chamber, you ain’t gonna get diversity in content.
I replied after the update.
That salary range is within reason of base pay for a LEO depending on location.
A dept near me had a job a few years ago with 50k starting rate, city of 60k outside of a major city. Go down south and the Podunk cop may only make 25k.
There are location dependant income incentives, so do not take ICE’s base pay as being a terribly meaningful number.
Some of them definitely will be police that don’t want to move counties or cities because of their bad behavior.
In the subject of the salary, cops typically make 35-50k per year. Some make far more if they are in a big city.
Overtime and side jobs is where they make the big dollars. Quiet night that ends in a shootout or a bad car accident, overtime. Provide security for the high school, may be overtime or a side job. So you can be a first year officer and make over 100k if your base salary and overtime facilitates that.
Departments try to keep overtime in check, but the more crime means more billed time.
Police Training is a constant thing. The academy just teaches you the basics, then you usually get paired with an experienced officer, and then you are on your own. There is some variations on that, but that is fairly common. There are additional classes they can go do for various aspects of the job.
You can see how systemic issues can develope and carry for far longer than department policy.
Psyche evals are not a meaningful way to screen police officers. Yes, you can catch the bad ones, but the worse ones can hide their problems well enough for their issues to fester.
No test because they are hiring current law enforcement. So an applicant would already have gone through police training and testing, how inadequate that may be.
You have to be current LEO to join, so unlikely for them to be so minded.
IDK, I have seen a lot more brown eggs over the past few years… Might be something there.
I thought she might have mistaken me for a bear and got spooked by my grunting outside her tent. I was just trying to see through the ridge vents to see what book she was reading so I had something to talk about and break the ice.
There was a book written a while ago that talked a lot about the breeding habits and sexuality of the Amish, I haven’t read it so I don’t know if they cover the rare practice of semen donor solicitation from the pre-industrial age.
I have heard it from a credible source who relayed a first hand experience going through with it. I have no reason to question either telling, as it was more of an embarrassing story and it is a practice that is known to occur near Amish areas from time to time.
You obviously couldn’t volunteer someone, you aren’t a king entitled to prima nocta.
I have no idea how your one-sided throws of passion would be recieved by the elders, as the account I heard was rather embarrassing and barely effective in immediate results. My understanding is the elders are there to prevent sexual assault or improper conduct, probably somewhere between a cucking and a urinalysis observer’s dutiful gaze.
IDK. She seems to want to see you again in front of a judge, just like a civil union. Maybe she just wants a surprise marriage. Makes sense because you go to all the same places, use the same toothbrush, and sometimes share a bedroom.
The pepper spray and screaming usually are a good hint that they may not be interested.
It’s is so hard to meet someone while backpacking on a Friday night.
Walter is a classic old timey racist that remembers when certain types weren’t allowed some places.
Bubba J is a typical racist that believes stereotypes are intrinsic attributes and doesn’t want to have anyone to worry about moving into his trailer park and steal his redneck treasures, like his fox body mustang shell or bikes he found.
Achmed is a religious zealot that wants anyone who isn’t a follower of Islam to die.
The rest are caricatures, some racist because Jeff is white, and one is a middle finger to his “bitch of an ex-wife.”
I wonder if Jeff will put Larry, an advisor to Trump, up for the event because that would be gold.
It is a thing, but uncommon.
For whatever reason they may find it to get some outside genetics to avoid genetic stagnation issues, infertility, or whatever, so they cover the mailbox as an invitation for outside help.
It is highly transactional and utilitarian. The potential father may be given simple gifts for the assistance, but it usually is a handshake affair and the gifts are more a hospitality thing.
Don’t go driving through Amish lands hunting some preindustrial strange, you are unlikely to find it… But you could get lucky.
If we are talking about devoted Amish, they literally only have sex for the purpose of procreation, sometimes through a sheet in some cases. Sex for recreation, including oral or anal, are verboten under the Amish Ordnung oral traditions.
In practice, there is sexual “deviancey” and sex had with some degree of knowledge that doing so is not strictly for procreation. Due to cultural aspects, there is shame brought in by such things that they have to get right with God about. Rumspringa, think last repreve before devoting to the Amish life, is usually when young Amish sow some wild oats with some abandon with the English(outsiders) if they so choose.
If you are a single man going through Amish country and see a mailbox with a bag on it, it is an invitation to donate your genetics to the community. Don’t expect hot and steamy throws of passion, you are fucking through a sheet while the elders preside over the breeding session in the same room.
The kids shouldn’t be armed, so they have nobody to arrest. They should operate like a terrorist cell and stay hidden from the law while they send out Capt. to put in work. Best part is they use their powers publicly to save people, so they look like a team of heros to the public.