• fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Got approval to get a cat from the REA yayyyyy!!! Now to find some place to adopt from.

    Can someone give me some 101s on adoption - what to look out for, to get a kitten or an adult (1-3 yrs? Or is that personal preference?), Starting costs etc?

    • Catfish@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I’ve had three from Lost Dogs and one from Lort Smith. Kittens cost more than adult cats. If you want a calm snuggler consider a Senior. A kitten is more likely to climb the curtains and other such mischief. Do not forget to buy a scratching post! How much you send on toys etc is a how long is a piece of string question. Do not leave cats alone with bits of string! Don’t use plastic food bowls. And don’t trust the photos on adoption sites, they are notoriously terrible.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      https://www.neko.org.au/ these guys were FANTASTIC. Both mine are from there and I couldn’t recommend them enough. if you have your eye on one bring a carrier with you (one from kmart is totally fine) and chuck a blanket in it. They feed them (or used to at least) Royal canin, so if they still do with having that at home along with the essentials (toys, bed, food bowls, water dish/fountain).

      Read the profiles, but know they arnt always 100%. If you are in a position to take a bonded pair its totally worth it too. They are social creatures.

      • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Thanks! I’ve been looking at Neko as well. How did you find the adoption process? Was it long? How long did you need to wait?

        I would love to take a pair but I think since it’s my first time having a pet, maybe one would be fine for now? Idk

        • Eagle@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          Pairs will be better if you can. That way they have a companion and then there are less behavioural issues. A bonded pair or siblings is great fun.

        • Cendana@aussie.zoneOP
          9 months ago

          Second other’s advice about pairs, highly recommended to adopt as pairs… Siblings or bonded pair.

          We have three cats, two of which are siblings. The three of them are on friendly terms, but the siblings usually sleep together lol.

          Congratulations on the approval. Looking forward to the adoption news.

          • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
            9 months ago

            Thanks mate! Approximately how much do you spend per cat per week? I was told about $200 per month by a coworker but wanted to hear more estimates!

            • Cendana@aussie.zoneOP
              9 months ago

              Per 4 weeks, in total for our three:

              • $150 on wet food

              • $80ish on dry food

              • $35 on litter (cheapest one, also the only one my wife likes)

              I don’t bother with proper cat beds anymore, since they almost always just ignore it in favour of our bed or a worthless cardboard box lol.

        • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          Adoption process was too easy. We went to the cafe back when it was a think. Went to see cat X, who wasnt super friendly. Our backup option was VERY friendly. We were asked a few follow up questions and then away we went. Took him home then and there.

          The only reason I bring up a pair is because they said cat 1 was totally ok by himself and didnt need a friend, but within a week it became apparent that wasnt totally accurate. We got him a friend, but she isnt totally into him. We would have been so much better off with a bonded pair from the get go. 2 cats is a lot easier than 1 some times.

          If you do go see them, tell them Woodro and “Tuesday” say hi.

      • Diffuser5593@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Agree, have adopted through them and also currently fostering a kitten through maneki neko and they’ve been great.

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      RSPCA are great. They match the cat with the person. You are right for the cat , giving it the kind of life it needs, and the cat is right for you.

    • MeanElevator@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      We got our from the Lost Dogs Home. They generally have a good selection of cats as well.

      Exciting times for you!!

    • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      At work but look into Second Chance Animal Rescue, tis where I got my cat. He was 3-4 months old, but they have young, adult, and senior cats too :)

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Seniors are quite expensive in terms of vet bills so definitely factor in costs. But they’re often chill easygoing lovebugs that will cuddle. If you can afford it and know how to recognise when they need vet care they’re amazing pets.

      With adults their personalities are already developed so you can have an idea of who you’re adopting (though they may not shine while stressed in a shelter).

      With kittens you will need two, otherwise you’ll have a crazy bored destructive animal that doesn’t properly know how to behave, ie. playing too roughly and seriously biting you. Look up single kitten syndrome. Also strongly consider using paper pellets instead of clumping litter as some kittens eat it and need the vet.

      Also the cost of the pet and startup is probably the least you’ll pay. Make sure to budget for at least one or two vet visits each year, more for seniors. I have no idea about pet insurance.

      Just some tips in case you’re not experienced with cats -

      Steer clear of supermarket brand flea and worm stuff or flea collars. The collars contain pyrethrins and the shonky flea drops can be contaminated with it too, it’s toxic to cats. Choose a good brand from the pet shop or the vet (by cat’s weight). Never use a dog flea product on a cat for the same reason, it will make your cat very sick or they can die.

      Look up signs of pain in cats and know how to spot a uti or blocked bladder (especially in male cats).

      It’s a very good idea to feed a lot of wet food (even if it’s cheap wet food and you also use dry) and also stir some hot water from the kettle into the wet food to a lukewarm temperature - this warms it up if the rest of the can was in the fridge but more importantly it gets your cat to hydrate more.

      Also while this may be controversial I don’t think Hills or Royal Canin are good food. Vets and shelters will push them but they’re full of cereal filler and very expensive for what it is.

      Also if your cat starts getting the runs and stomach aches with everything else ruled out, know that cats can become allergic to frequently eaten proteins. For my cat it was chicken.

      Finally don’t overspend too much on toys at first, not every cat likes every toy. Some cats get up high to feel safe, others might want a hidey hole or a box. Definitely get a scratching post and/or cat tree. And some cats prefer scratching horizontally, so a piece of cardboard on the floor is great.

      • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        This is all incredibly helpful. I thought about messaging you so thank you!!

        About your point on the single kitten syndrome, does this also apply to a single adult? Say 2years or older.

        I might not go for an adult cat because I don’t think I’ll be able to provide the care it might require and also finances permitting.

        • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          Glad it wasn’t too much! I tend to infodump accidentally but sometimes there’s important info that might not usually come up or something I wish I had known.

          In rescues there are definitely adult cats that prefer or need to be the only pet so that can very much be ok! And by adult age (unless there have been major issues) they’re past the kitten socialisation phase and will usually have learned how to behave well. The good rescues get to know a cat’s personality and work out what kind of home/lifestyle would suit them best, so if you prefer one cat they could help you find a cat that doesn’t really need to be in a pair.

          Seniors are definitely a bit of a financial commitment so it’s ok and good that you recognise that! Adult cats are probably the easiest option - at least that’s what I’ve found from experience.

          Ps. The supermarket dry foods aren’t great so a pet shop might be able to advise you on a good nutritionally complete dry food - but the Woolies homebrand canned food and paper litter (Smitten) are fairly decent for the price. I don’t know how great the salt and ash content is but the Smitten tins have added taurine (which cats bodies need but can’t make) and meet AAFCO standards.

          Unless I run into an issue with it and have to post otherwise, or unexpected issues develop for your cat, I’d say that tinned food goes alright on a budget.

          You definitely don’t need to be paying prescription food prices unless there’s a genuine medical need. (ie. Kidney disease requiring it.)

          • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
            9 months ago

            I don’t mind spending a bit to try out different foods and see what the cat likes as I will be splitting bills with my housemate. We’re both adopting the cat together (ownership undecided, because we both equally want to adopt. Hopefully we can figure it out down the line, or get another cat and we can take it from there!

            • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
              9 months ago

              Best of luck! And yeah it really depends on what the cat likes too. Some love gravy, some love pate, some want fish… they will let you know!

  • Nath@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Just gave away our old Plasma TV on Gumtree to a young couple. I’m really happy to see it go to a new home and not the recycle center. It has life left in it, and it represents a time of transition in my life.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      It’s great that plasma TVs can still be used. External smart tv devices like firestick and chromecast can really extend the life of “dumb” TVs. I bought such a device off a mate’s mate who was clearing out his and his mum’s stuff before they all moved abroad. Just need a decent screen and let the smarts happen elsewhere.

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    So the development going on out the back of mine used to be an old tip. Way back for decades people would just throw anything in.

    Just got a visit from an abstestos removal company saying there’s a significant amount in there and that they’ll be removing it.

    The outfit developing it has already upended the soil (a significant amount) and the people who were doing it didn’t have any gear on.

    If I were the people doing that excavation and sifting (so a lot of dust) I’d be proper pissed off.

    Had they asked locals if they thought there would be a risk of contamination, everyone would’ve said yes.

    Instead these days there’s no community consultation with these developments, always shrouded in secrecy, environmental reports not being released etc.

    Fuck those developers. And the council. At least do some due diligence and let the workers there know exactly what they’re pulling up for their own safety.

    And to top it off they’re trying to sell the ~500sqm blocks for $1m+. If I were in the market for one I’d be soil testing the shit out of that dirt.

    thank you for listening to my rant.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I reckon you should get onto worksafe. That is absolutely not on. I’ve been on a worksite that had the tiniest bit of asbestos mixed in with the soil in some areas (and it was all wetted down and not friable) but there was a full blown asbestos inspector on site and they were very strict about PPE. Had to throw out your coveralls even if you just wanted to pee

      • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        ooh just reading up on the worksafe removal guidelines jeez it’s serious stuff.

        From the way the dude was speaking I’m guessing it’s dust (ACD) (eek).

        • Catfish@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          And the really nasty bit is you won’t know if you’ve been got by the stuff until muuuuuch later

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Can I suggest you keep your doors and windows closed. Hose down your driveway and paths. Wipe everything in your house down with wipes. Switch on air filters in your house, if possible have the air current draw away from where you spend most time. Even your vacuum cleaner can help as it has filters.

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Someone stole all the ripe chilies off my plants 😭 ( It’s a courtyard complex with little front yards. But that also means it was a neighbour 😡 )

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Maybe keep an eye on who is ordering a whole box (or 2) of Who Gives a Crap …

      In all fairness, so many people plant chillies as ornamentals only that the culprit MIGHT have thought that they would go to waste if not harvested. Maybe grizzle a bit at the next owner’s corp meeting about theft of chillies.

      Or (heh heh) put a placard up against the plants - with something like “Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!”

    • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
      9 months ago

      It might not be a neighbour, I had all my chilis stolen overnight by a rat a couple of years ago. I blamed possums initially, but then I found the rat’s nest in a pile of timber and it was stuffed full of chilies 🤣

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    When I was a little kid, I grew up with stories about a family friend who would drive into the city at the crack of dawn and eat his breakfast whilst watching traffic bank up on the Monash. I guess it just wasn’t the “done thing” back then, so my grandpa must’ve thought this guy was pretty clever. I was just standing at the window waiting for my tea to brew and staring out at the city and caught a glance at the freeway. That family friend has passed on now, years ago now I think. And the little kid has grown with a little kid of his own. And I stand here and look down at this city which frankly doesn’t seem to care. One day my son might stand here and contemplate his existence. And the memory of the man eating his breakfast will be long forgotten. The city might look different then, but I still doubt it will care.

    What I’m trying to get at is… actually, I’m not sure… If anyone can figure out the point of these thoughts let me know. I assume the takeaway is to appreciate the time we have?

    • Duenan@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I’ve been doing this since I was young

      I absolutely loved to sit in cafes and also when Borders was around in Chadstone I’d sit upstairs looking down.

      I don’t think too much of it but I appreciate and enjoy the going’s of life and watching odd things happen along the way as people go through their normal lives or days.

      One such memory was I was at a cafe with a freeing but I was staring and looking outside at the people having their own lunch and some of them brought their dog with them.

      Well the dog was pretty well behaved but restless and kept moving hut eventually the dog managed the wrap it’s lead around their owner’s chair without knowing.

      I didn’t stay long to see what happened in the end but it’s still just a fond memory and nothing much about it is profound.

      You just take those little moments to enjoy what happens in life.

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Sitting on the train, I’m quite late to work,
    Held up at the chemist, twas full of jerks.
    Sitting on the train, the clocks are ticking,
    I should have just chucked a sickie.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      The shitting thing is that I woke up and checked the metro page preying for an outage so i didnt have to get out of bed, it was clear so I got up only to sit on the train for nearly 2 hours.

      • Mittens_meow@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        That’s really not fair is it … hope your boss is kind and doesn’t require you to stay late to make up time ?

    • mysticgreg@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      At work, wishin I was on the train,
      Being here is causing so much pain.
      At work, wishing ill on my coworkers,
      Would -I- be at fault if I went bezerk-ers?

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    9 months ago

    I went to the free food market (which distributes food being thrown out from Supermarkets etc.) this morning, and got a piece of cheese that looks like the same type as a really nice unlabeled piece I got there a couple of months ago, but this time it has a label. It’s a truffle infused goat cheese, normally priced at $60 a kg. Being able to say that instead of “mystery white cheese” will make my dishes sound much fancier 🙂 I also got some brussels sprouts and some chicken to roast which I’m looking forward to, and even picked up a couple of packets of mince for Mr Woof. Definitely a worthwhile trip.

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Urgh. Have had a productive day cleaning my aunt’s new deck with a blower and a pressure washer and then tackled one of her disorganised pantry cupboards that had a thick layer of what turned out to be glucose syrup from a bottle at the back that fell on its side. Did really well carefully extracting and cleaning all the bottles and packets and trays but the worst part was getting the gunk off the cupboard itself, I poured hot water and scrubbed…

    …but ended up pouring some on my left hand and it huuurts yo. Luckily it wasn’t boiling and I quickly put it under cold running water. First ten minutes and then after it kept stinging I did another 20. Think I’ll see a dr tmrw if it doesn’t subside. I’m definitely done for today. Luckily I get to leave with plenty of delicious food

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      If the burn is still red tomorrow, then def see a dr as it’s probably a 2nd deg burn. If it subsides overnight then that seeing a dr may be overkill for a 1st deg burn. Hope it goes away overnight for you. Burns is horrible painful. I’m not sure what the current advice is for 1st deg burns. Maybe a nice g & t will help you sleep.
      EDIT: misspelling

      • just_kitten@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Many thanks Mama Witch. I do now agree that maybe I won’t see the Dr if it’s not red tomorrow, was just feeling worried because it was on my hand itself and not my arm. Feels much better after another round under the tap and no burn gel or anything applied this time (didn’t help earlier). Just a small red patch atm. I almost forgot about it until I went to have a hot shower… ow.

        Gonna pop a nurofen for good measure and see how we go tomorrow. Praying for no blisters and grateful it was on my left hand, not my right.

  • Tofu@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    The Word of the Day iiiiiiiiis

    Train! 🚉

    For my part, I stood in a packed one for over half an hour

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Got metro’ed hard this morning. Been on the train and hour and a half and I’m only just at the halfway point.

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Back from my aunt’s and realise she and my uncle really are that much older now.


    Lifting up simple things is harder for them… they definitely seem more tired… and this aunt is just like another one I’m much closer to, has about five opened packets of the same thing because her pantry is so disorganised and she’s getting forgetful.

    They also haven’t noticed how much dust has accumulated on the tops of picture frames, cupboards, the ceiling - the kitchen lights have a gross oily dust web around them - the range hood is horribly stained and caked with oil. They’ve always had lots of stuff but this time it seems a bit more hoarder-y and unstable, than just lived-in with decades of memories… Tbh it’s the first time it’s been apparent to me too. So maybe I’ve changed.

    Am going back on Friday to help tackle the big pantry cupboard with about 500 packets/bottles of herbs, spices and traditional medicines that need consolidation, but will also see if I have the time/energy to try and clear some of the worst dust. And have a quiet chat with my uncle at least about them spending a bit more to get help to clean what they can’t clean any more.

    Today’s smaller cupboards yielded enough vacuum-packed peppercorns to last a decade, and at least three trees’ worth of massive cinnamon sticks - but also some interesting village finds like:

    • long pepper (the original black pepper of ancient Indo-European recipes!!),

    • palm treacle powder,

    • foxtail millet flour,

    • a porridge powder made from the leaves of a wild almost-citrus and

    • horse gram. Not an equine social media site but a rustic breakfast grain. traditionally you’re also supposed to drink the water drained after cooking as a medicine…

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Stupid cough is still lingering and maybe even is having a small resurgence. I thought on Friday that it might be gone by Saturday or Sunday but alas.

    In other news, I finished Spider-Man 2 to the extent that I’m satisfied. I’ve finished the story, every mission, collected all the things, bought every ability and suit (and their alternate styles). It’s not 100% but that’s just because there’s like 2 trophies I’m missing which I don’t think I’ll bother with. Or maybe I will at some point, who knows?

    Oh and I started watching X-Files for the first time. I have no idea why I never watched it when it’s exactly up my alley. It was a monster in pop culture when it aired, and I was around for that and yet I never got into it. Maybe it was because I was 11 when it first came out and that’s a bit young.

    Anywho… I have a team meeting in 4 minutes, so I better put my face on (read: put some clothes on).

    • indisin@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      X-Files is a classic but does go downhill towards the end. Make sure you watch the first film at the right time in the series!

      First two seasons have some absolute classic episodes though (I’m currently on a rewatch)