• 39 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • In a past role when I was short staffed and hiring people, I was often lumped with interviewing people on top of my regular duties. It is a lot of extra work. It also took longer than I expected. I was often a bit late getting back to people for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, candidates had to reschedule. Sometimes, more urgent work came up and I had to do things other than processing the applications. Suddenly, your last interview isn’t Tuesday, but Friday instead.

    I was never more than a few days late - the best candidates usually had more than one offer to consider and I’d lose them if I didn’t get back to them. If they told you Wednesday, I’d give them until Monday before giving up.

  • I have no issue with the ABC reporting. They’ve reported this fairly straight. I do have issues that we are spending a lot of time talking about a senator that none of us had heard of a week ago. I have issues that the author of this piece is on the other side of the country to the senator in question. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn she hasn’t even met the senator. That said, I respect that she gave the senator more airtime than she gave the supposed concerns of caucus:

    Senator Payman said the suggestion she was “being guided by god” in her decision-making and would campaign on other “Islamic propositions” was an insult.

    “I don’t know how to respond to that question without feeling offended or insulted [at the suggestion] that just because I am a visibly Muslim woman I only care about Muslim issues,” she said.

    Fair enough. Both Senator Payman’s response and the reporting of it. Sounds like the drama is coming from those ‘faceless men’ we all love so much.

  • My kids are 9 and 12. So you’d have been in between them in age. The idea of either of them being set adrift, alone, in a hotel is setting off all my daddy instincts.

    I am sad that this was your childhood. As he’s probably a bigger train nerd than you, I see a lot of parallels between you and my eldest.

    You’ve clearly managed to navigate the state system. So I guess we need to recognise also that something in the system is working. I worry about your support system when you turn 18. Do they just set you adrift and wish you luck in life on your birthday?

  • To add some nuance to this most people vote by party in the senate.

    I think this is more fair for senators than lower house. Senators represent their whole state, while MLAs represent their local electorate. I can see scenarios where the needs and wishes of your local electorate are not quite aligned with your party on all issues and in those situations, you should do what your electorate would wish of you.

    This is a really murky issue for any senator. The YouGov polls show wider support for a Palestinian state than the Government does. But it also shows that more of us are unsure on this topic than those who support/don’t support. Which stands to reason, the region is really far away from us and we aren’t all that involved, really.

    The pessimist in me dismisses much of the government’s position on the conflict as aligning with US interests. Which takes us back to Senator Payman. On this particular topic, I believe her firm position probably both is representative of a decent slice of her state as well as being a foil on the generic support of all things US from her party. Good on her.

    I’m not really into party politics, so I don’t really have a stake in whether she should be ejected from her party for this. But if pressed, I’d say they’d be making a mistake to eject her over this matter. This is not a major party policy, and its position does not have wide-spread community support.

  • So, Planet Ark are trying to register an account to join aussie.zone. I would normally have rejected their application, as they are giving the vibe of ‘we want to spam’. So, I reached out to them on their contact form. I thought it possible they had a google analytics alert and noticed us discussing their products recently.

    But, that was longer ago than I realised: It feels like we talked about that a few weeks ago. So now I’m back to thinking they want to spam. Gah!

    I want answers, but I don’t want ads. I suppose I’ll wait to see if/how they respond to my website query.


    Hi Nath,

    No, that email address does not belong to us.

    Thanks for checking!