65 is generally considered the retirement age, so my proposal that I responded to another comment with is that if you’re gonna turn 65 during your hypothetical term, you’re not eligible to run. It’s time to sail off into the sunset or sit on your porch to yell at the kids to stay off your lawn or whatever the hell. You’re no longer representative of the general population and are in no position to be crafting policy for years after your death. You did your service, now step aside and let the next generation have their turn.
65 is also, coincidentally, the age after which the majority of strokes occur in the US. Not to say we don’t have people who aren’t awesome senior citizens (far from it!) but the stakes are so damn high for people who are in government positions, especially when you have 6-year terms or lifetime appointments and your party really, REALLY wants to hold that seat.
65 is generally considered the retirement age, so my proposal that I responded to another comment with is that if you’re gonna turn 65 during your hypothetical term, you’re not eligible to run. It’s time to sail off into the sunset or sit on your porch to yell at the kids to stay off your lawn or whatever the hell. You’re no longer representative of the general population and are in no position to be crafting policy for years after your death. You did your service, now step aside and let the next generation have their turn.
65 is also, coincidentally, the age after which the majority of strokes occur in the US. Not to say we don’t have people who aren’t awesome senior citizens (far from it!) but the stakes are so damn high for people who are in government positions, especially when you have 6-year terms or lifetime appointments and your party really, REALLY wants to hold that seat.