That’s cool. Denim and denim-adjacent stuff is a rabbit hole I haven’t gone down yet. How hard is it to apply? How long will it last? Do you need to break it in after applying?
It’s been a process trying to figure it out, the first time I thought i applied too much and it was all white and nasty when I hung it out in the sun, turns out i didn’t apply enough heat for it to melt in. I ended up washing it with dish soap and a brush in the sink.
I started using an actual heat gun the second attempt and thought I was heating it too much and it was evaporating but I guess you just need to do a ton of wax as it soaks in and looks flat until you do several coats to get that shiny smooth look I wanted. I basically started rubbing it in a lot harder like in the second image but the bar started to run out.
If I started from scratch it’ll probably take like two bars for the jacket.
The little tooth brush thing from otter helped a ton to smooth in the wax chunks and brush lint out as I went. No idea how long it lasts but you need to reapply like once a year according to youtube.
This video helped me out a lot and random comments from reddit, I also threw it in the dryer for like 10 minutes against the videos recommendations but some other video said it helped even it all out so I was desperate and tried it and it helps get rid of the sticky feel and a lot of the white spots that showed up when the wax dried
Having done this before, it takes a long time, and getting an even application is tricky. Expect to need more wax than you think you do.
How is this kind of content allowed? This if fucking awesome, way too cool for this community.
God damn it now I want to get a jacket like yours and wax it.
I recommend finding some denim at like a thrift shop to try it out first, it took me several attempts and it still isn’t great but I think i got the method down better
Great job. Just finished re-waxing my winter coat.
Interesting It’s water proof now huh? Makes me wonder if I could do this for a vegan motorcycle jacket
If you yourself are vegan I believe this is a beeswax with lanolin in it.
😬 yeah hard pass lol
You can do the same thing with paraffin wax and mineral oil, it’s just less “natural”
There are diy versions that combine paraffin and linseed oil, or just paraffin.
There’s also this spray you can put on stuff after you wash them and they are damp, it’s likenwhat they put on windbreaker jackets to make them water proof or tents. Probably full of pfa’s now that I think about it though
If you’re a motorcycle rider then please consider something abrasion resistant with protectors.
I’m complete ignorant on this and this is the first I’m witnessing someone wax their clothes.
- What is the purpose?
- Why are we interested in this?
- Is this some old school thing that’s resurging in popularity?
- Has this been around the whole time and I’ve never noticed?
I like the look of waxed canvas, I’ve been buying bags that are waxed because I think they look neat after they get older and they are water resistant. They have been around a long time but maybe more for people who work outdoors or in rainy areas. A lot of the videos I found were mainly focused on welders
I see, thanks! I wonder if it’s a regional thing. I don’t see anything like this on the East Coast.
My son had a nice one, and my wife didn’t understand the concept of Oilskin and washed it :( he was very disappointed to have a regular jacket afterwards
Very nice. Finish with hairdryer?
The first time I used a hair dryer but it didnt melt the wax enough to soaks in then later the jacket was all Crunchy with white everywhere, the second time I used a hot air gun and it worked much btter
Looks great!