Really? I’m a midwestern cishet middle aged dude and I got it right away… maybe I spend too much time on mastodon.
Really? I’m a midwestern cishet middle aged dude and I got it right away… maybe I spend too much time on mastodon.
I was surprised when you called Tiberius milquetoast. Then I realized I was thinking of Trajan.
They also cranked up the death camps to a whole new level because they were evil fucks.
Oh yeah. Now I remember. They killed everyone and then decided to do the obvious thing after the fact. Wild shit.
Weren’t there a bunch of wars in Italy because Rome wouldn’t let her Italian subjects be citizens?
Yeah. The dude that came up with the term cognitive dissonance described this process in his book When Prophesy Fails. Basically when you are in a cult and your doomsday ends up being a normal day you have a freak out of cognitive dissonance. This isn’t great because people don’t like having their strongly held beliefs shown to be invalid. So they must come up with a post hoc rationalization as to why their doomsday didn’t come true and why they are still right.
Margaret killjoy has an excellent story featuring a private prison ceo. It is a great end for that guy. Everyone should listen to it.
That’ll get em. Good job showing the dictator your amazing resolve guys. Just the sort of strong backbone I would imagine coming from liberals who wanted to do just a little fascism, as a treat, to appeal to imaginary non fascist republicans.
ICE can gargle my balls
This is the one reason I’m happy Biden was in office. It gave everyone four more years to prepare. Marginalized communities were some of the heaviest buyers during that time. Small arms have been used to inflict losses on fascists since fascists became a thing. Disarmed groups are substantially more in danger than armed groups.
Umm he isn’t going to see consequences (without a revolution) because Trump can pardon him for federal crimes.
Looks great!
This is what I love about the fediverse. It is the closest to actual anarchist communities I’ve seen and it works great.
Yeah. I hadn’t heard that, but it definitely scans with his whole vibe. That dude loved to be antisemitic. One of the best to ever play the game. Up there with the okhrana.
The good news is that if this shit gets appealed to the fascists on the Supreme Court we know there is non a small chance that they will rule in favor of making Trump king.
I’m glad you didn’t try to defend Ford. You know that nazi would have been happy to get his hands dirty skinning various people.
Charging someone with an obvious crime is not illegal. Waiting two years in normal for feds, but there is nothing in the law saying they have to do it that way.
Did your strategy work? They tried it and it failed. I posit it failed because they treated normally. Meaning, our leaders didn’t treat it like the existential threat it was.
Do you remember the uproar after 1/6. Companies pulling funding, social networks banning him, etc etc?
2 years later everyone was integrating him back into normal business. Half the population bought the Fox News line. We could have avoided that if some politicians had a spine. But we have the democrats.
It is truly mystifying to me why anyone would defend them after they lost the most winnable election ever. Did they have to do a genocide? Did they have to trot out a fucking Cheney as their main character?
Again you are acting like this was a normal case. It wasn’t normal. Charge him with his obvious crimes and get him before he has a chance to change the narrative.
The best games almost require excel.