Rachel Reeves, the evil thing who is trying to save money by making it impossible to access disability payments, has a net worth of 2 million. Meanwhile the country is trying to save a small amount of money by stopping me from getting what I need to live, both in terms of meds and basic income for food and shelter.
I’ve spoken on here before about how doctors and pharmacists are trying to stop me accessing my meds. I had one doctor try to stop prescribing me a med that was prescribed by a consultant at the hospital - because that med is “too expensive” at £2 per pill. It’s too big a burden on the country’s finances to give me this med. I had to fight to keep receiving it. Then when the neurologist prescribed me another pill, the pharmacist complained about the cost (£12 per pill) and the GP’s surgery will only prescribe me 8 a month because of the cost, instead of the 30 a month the neurologist ordered. Then they tried to stop my topiramate because it can cause birth defects and I won’t take contraception (check out my username, I clearly don’t need contraception).
The latest one happened today. As a side effect of my cancer treatment I have developed terrible eczema. It’s so bad that it gets terribly infected to the point that I have been admitted to hospital with these infections countless times. I sometimes wake up with my skin fused to my bedsheets with dried blood. I’m supposed to get 2 bottles of eczema cream a month. That’s barely enough as it is. Now they’ve cut it down to one a month. No medical reason at all. It’s just it will save the country £20 a month. Stupid, short sighted fake saving that will end up costing more when I have to spend more time in hospital. I hate this shitty world. Everything is always difficult, it’s always a never ending battle to get the absolute basics. Those on top live in luxury while those at the bottom can’t get even the basic things we need.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this comrade. My wife has been dealing with all sorts of medical issues for nearly our entire relationship, with the past year or so being so bad she’s been effectively unable to work for the vast majority of that time. It really shows the inherent violence of capitalism when you suddenly lose most of one income in a two income household. We’re just keeping our heads above water and only thanks to the generous help of my adult son who understands that helping us with the expectation that we might be able to pay him back within a decade was still cheaper than having to find somewhere else to live if we got evicted. I really hope more people begin to wake up to the sad reality that all this happens because we have forgotten that there’s more of us and that labor makes the world keep turning.
Sorry to hear about your problems. Life is just one never ending battle. For me it’s endless disability benefits assessments and appeals, and even if I get that sorted, the government is threatening to make it impossible to get disability benefits at all, or force us to work even though my doctors say I’m not for for work at all. Neverending quest to get enough to eat. Now a constant battle to access my meds. I wish they would just legalise assisted suicide. They don’t want us alive but don’t want us having a painless exit either. It seems like endless torture just for the sake of it. Meanwhile those in charge live in mansions, get subsidised food in the house of commons which costs the taxpayer £7 million a year, claim things on their expenses that they aren’t entitled to, and then starve us to death to save money.
Yeah, it’s infuriating. Sorry you’re going through it so hard. I hope that you feel better soon, it sounds like it’s one hell after another for you.