I mean, like incompetent. For the record those organs I just stole? literally on the desk in front of him. Time to hike on over and sell it. To the Trade Authority… all 20 feet away…
(this was in the UC security in the Well, new atlantis)
Bonus content:
we’re not UC security…It would be nice if wearing the relevant uniform of the particular security service in whatever zone you’re in, greatly increased “time to spot” / go aggro of the actual security.
I guess such complexity is too much to hope for (I am massively regretting getting gamepass version as I bet there’s all sorts of amazing mods available already)
there some parts where you can wear a security uniform to sneak your way into restricted parts, think during the ryujin quests
Are you on PC? mods can be installed manually, just got to game folder, etc. But… yeah. StarUI inventory is… a godsend. Yeah, it’s “tolerable” to not use it… but… once you do…
Yeah I’m on PC but I got gamepass version so most mods aren’t possible (basically anything that uses SFSE)
Gamepass PC games aren’t moddable, to my understanding.
U gamepass guys got mega fucked. Since u already purchased the game u could just pirate the steam version from RUNE. Ain’t hurting nobody.
Lol isn’t this how it worked in fallout New Vegas? You could wear clothes of certain sides/factions and they may be less likely to agro and if you wore their opponents they’d be like more likely.