• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • You apparently don’t understand the difference between being a dictator and actually getting off your ass to stir up support for something.

    stop acting like biden is powerless because one body of congress is in republican hands. biden is not powerless. If Biden is so powerless to get shit done in congress, how is it he claims credit for the American Recovery Act and the other big ones early term? that’s right. He did some lifting for it. (he was, however, far from the only person, and a lot of people did a lot of heavy lifting to get that done.)

  • For the record, that would be an illegal order and should be refused by everyone involved in the military chain.

    (Whether or not it is refused is a different matter.)

    They sent back the question of what is an official act. And when the judge comes back with something like “official acts are those in which a president is acting in an official capacity as the president to fulfill obligations and duties of the president.” (IANAL….so there’s probably some anal retentive detail that is super critical in missing)

    In any case, when challenging the election, that is not an official act- that was something done by Trump-the-candidate.

    Inviting foreign dignitaries, however frequently is. (But probably not when selling out America and other spies to keep compromat from leaking)

    Organizing an insurrection in the US never is, however.

    I’m alarmed by the alarm in the dissent- they probably know where this is going, but POTUS has enjoyed some immunity anyhow as far as official acts go. And when it’s kept to a reasonable understanding… that’s more or less good.

    Their alarm suggests that the majority here is not going to have a reasonable understanding when that gets appealed.

  • I think this is a strong argument to legalize prostitution to provide legal recourse and protection for anyone in the profession who’s getting forced into the work.

    I agree with this statement. Sex work should be legalized, not least of which for protecting everyone involved. However… something to keep in mind is that… hundreds of thousands… is not that large a percentage of men. Even if you assume it’s 900,000 men, the total number of people in the US is 350 million- meaning that 900k is 0.25%. granted, I’m blending men and women- there’s plenty of women who also buy trafficked slaves as well. but if you figure half the people in the use are men, and it’s only men doing it… that’ still…half a percent.

  • firstly, I’m not a bot.

    Secondly, what I really want is to stop the slow slid into Fascism. Biden is, in my opinion, demonstrably incapable or unwilling of doing that. You’re welcome to share your opinions, and we can have a discussion about it. Though, also in my opinion, you don’t like hearing alternative viewpoints, considering the name calling and accusations.

    EDIT: Third, I already have. the argument goes no where. Before the primary it was “Save it for the primary,” during the primary it was “Don’t undermine the incumbent, you idiot”, in now its “name your candidate”. in 2019 it was “learn to compromise”. I’m not interestedin the argument because you- or people like you- are unwilling to listen. Biden is problematic. but you’re not going to be able to shore up his election campaign by digging your head in the sand.

    Other “missteps”? Gaza and Immigration feature prominently, too.

  • I don’t believe undecided voters even exist. Like. No. Seriously.

    This is the most polarized election in US history. we know both the candidates, we know how they did during their tenure as president. we’ve all got our opinion on it. The only question is, really, “how many voters are going to show up”- and more specifically, “which side loses the most voters?”

    Honestly, there was never a positive upside for the debate. It’s just an opportunity to give them more soundbites or images of biden looking… well, old. (and give trump a bunch of one-line zingers. his base doesn’t care about the truth, just that he ‘owns the libs’)

  • I’m not the one waiving a magic wand thinking Biden is a perfect candidate.

    You are.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, baring Biden himself stepping down it’s suicide for any one to oppose him. So no I’m not going to enter that fucking argument with someone who can’t even see what’s clearly before them.

    Especially considering I’m guessing you give credit for the American recovery act to Biden even as you’d scramble to insist Biden doesn’t have the power to pass law.