You may need Google Play Services. On LineageOS, you need to install the MindTheGapps package after installing the OS and before you boot into the phone for the first time:
If you are waiting on the SMS but can launch XHS, I suspected my custom ROM and rooted phone were causing issues with XHS (and you will get banned if you try making a WeChat account on such a device), too, but I managed to get an SMS the next day but still had to wait for the SMS limit to pass (and it was of course expired by then). That evening, I entered my phone number again, immediately got an SMS, entered the code, and it worked. I do have the Shamiko module installed with Magisk, so maybe that made a difference.
You may need Google Play Services. On LineageOS, you need to install the MindTheGapps package after installing the OS and before you boot into the phone for the first time:
If you are waiting on the SMS but can launch XHS, I suspected my custom ROM and rooted phone were causing issues with XHS (and you will get banned if you try making a WeChat account on such a device), too, but I managed to get an SMS the next day but still had to wait for the SMS limit to pass (and it was of course expired by then). That evening, I entered my phone number again, immediately got an SMS, entered the code, and it worked. I do have the Shamiko module installed with Magisk, so maybe that made a difference.