A genie appears before you and says you must choose to be very physically attractive, but slightly below average intelligence, or very intelligent, but slightly below average attractiveness? Which would you choose, and why?
Smart, being beautiful would just get attention from boring people
But if you’re not smart then those would be your people.
I don’t want to be boring
The opposite also works
The only people you fool are other stupid people though.
That’s cool though, there’s so many of us that you’ll never run out of fools to dupe.
Why so many people think being smart means getting phd’s and good job/money?
Good job, phd’s require discipline not smartness and often being attractive gets you better confidence/charisma, thats far far more important for getting good money or recognition than smartness
Alina Habba is that you?
“I can fake being smart.”
Clearly there are limits to this rule
A good job and a PhD require already having money too. This is why beautiful people on OF keep winning, funding their PhDs
In EU PhDs are always paid and often easier to get into than finding a job (at least right now based on my friend circle)
Wouldn’t smartness imply discipline?
Nope. Some degree for sure, but once you’ve jumped over whatever hurdle you needed to jump, you just rest on your laurels until the next time you need to rise to a challenge, or until you fuse into the furniture.
I think being intelligent gets you better jobs and more money sooo 🤷
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Sorry, no, that’s not how it works, not at all.
Being intelligent doesn’t let you bypass rules one and two, or at least rule two for jobs specifically.
- Be handsome
- Be attractive
- Don’t be unattractive?
Your 2 and 3 are my 1 and 2
Ignorance is bliss, so I’ll take beauty. I just want to be happy.
Amen brother, beauty all the way
My intelligence makes me depressed, so beautiful.
As someone with below average intelligence I can tell you it really doesn’t. Trust me, having a low intelligence doesn’t make your life easier it just makes it harder and puts you at a massive disadvantage. It’s the most soul crushing experience there is. You can become beautiful but intelligence is forever, be thankful for what you’ve got.
I mean slightly below average is not bad attractiveness wise. Less hassel to some degree, especially if your a woman. below average intelligence though can really hamstring you. Intelligence all the way. Doesn’t say gorgeous though or genius. sounds to me like I would basically be asking for the genie to do nothing based on my academic achievements and dating lack of achievements.
That was kind of my thinking too. I’m not presented with this opportunity or anything, it was just a shower thought.
I am lucky enough to already be both, so I don’t have to choose, thank you very much.
I’m studying engineering, so i’ll take smarts, we all know that anyone in this field ends up bald by some mystical force anyways
Too real. In the middle stages of my career I am fighting a losing battle against this plight.
Why am I forced to downgrade if it’s a genie wish?
Sometimes it do be like that.
It’s an ifrit
I am the most intelligent person I know. So naturally I would choose intelligence, because christ do I need perspective if that’s what I actually believe
I am definitely not the most intelligent person I know, but I’d put myself at well above average.
well, since I’m humble, I’d probably put myself at well above average + 1. Or +2.
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average + 3 then for me, if I may be so humble
You should put it as within 1 sigma/standard deviation. With high probability on positive deviation.
Nah, I’m at least 3 sigmas on a very (very) narrow curve, placing me at average+2
You might wanna check on Dunning-Kruger effect.
If I’m very smart, I could just use my intelligence to make money and then get beauty surgery.
That’s not how any of that works.
Being smart has only gotten me anxiety. I’ll go with attractiveness.
Am already both so…
… I visit my therapist weekly to cope with my ongoing god complex?
Sounds like an anime title…
genuinely, what is with the obsession with long winded anime titles these days?
“I died and went to heaven and all I got was this slime”
Yes and no. Its every other week and it’s real difficult to overlook the kneeling
hey, even Gods have to pay rent. Chin up.
Chinning up is fine in moderation. Do it too much or too long and someone will slice your throat open
Appreciate the offer but no thanks.