The centre of town is a dead shopping mall, and you have to drive everywhere because its largely unwalkable.
That being said, I’m all aboard for building new towns, houses.
The centre of town is a dead shopping mall, and you have to drive everywhere because its largely unwalkable.
That being said, I’m all aboard for building new towns, houses.
I prefer it when the gender doesn’t matter, and that the hero doesn’t need to prove anything to the audience. They’re just well-written and we’re invested in their motivations and the wider story around them.
A good example of this is the excellent She-ra cartoon. I can’t think of many good examples beyond that sadly…
It looks like she’s not even holding the baby, she’s gripping onto his arm for dear life as the baby creeps up behind them
Law 3: any robot that accidentally kills a human, must make amends by putting together a really nice funeral service.
Well they dropped the ‘a’ from the Apt-erodactyl because their daily performance felt phoned in.
I have a plushtoy and some coasters my first ex made. I dont really miss her (she was mean), but it was real good stitch quality.
I have the habit of cleaning the place on a Saturday morning from my last ex. Not really a gift, more of a curse, but her I miss.
You are the best friend. You tell it like it is. When a funeral comes around, you smirk in the knowledge that we’ll all be dead soon. People need spicy truths like that distilled into one word responses, it screams of eloquence and high-brow thinking.
Why waste time on the uggs, when you can use that time more efficiently to work on your charming personality.
I personally think you are a visionary in this respect, and am certain that I would have to avert my gaze from the sheer blinding sheen of being in the presence of a superior being if I were to ever share the same planet as you.
It looks like it symbiote spidey
you asked a question madam and I deigned to answer it the best that I could
Genuinely. I do wonder about the safeguards against such profiteering that clearly were not in place. I can understand the perspective of a company or entity that bootstraps discovery and innovation all on its own without any reference to prior art. But it’s never the case.
Behind the thin veneer of professionalism of every tech company is a bunch of grown headless children cobbling together accessible open source tools or pouring through papers published in reputable scientific journals coming out of schools and universities. To re-invent the wheel would be madness, and yet every tech company implicitly makes the claim that they did it alone, instead of standing on the shoulders of the free and accessible tax-funded work that comes out of scientific institutions. It does make me sick to think about it.
“I cover myself in the entrails of a sheep, which I sacrifice to the Snake God Lord Glycon to wake him from his sleep.”
it could turn violent and do real damage to capital, that’s the beauty of an unfocused protest – the night is ever young
“We saw a blip in <sale/metric/police safety> and we think it correlates with the general unhappiness of the populace, as displayed here, here, and maybe here.”
Blips can cause panic, even small ones
It’s just hard getting into new stuff without questioning whether it was sold to you through some kind of advert osmosis.
At least with the old stuff, there’s little chance that you were target audience
Is this L-
*a grenade gets tossed through the window and lands in my mouth*
“I watched a guy watch another guy jerk it, on the train yesterday. Neither seemed happy, but both seemed like they really wanted to fulfil their roles.”
I watch a lot of cartoons, but when there’s a dry season I find myself just rewatching The Simpsons or American Dad.
Usually the earlier stuff of course, but you get some gems in the later stuff, and the later stuff gets funnier the more you memorize the writing.
I’m beginning to suspect that nostalgia is a form of brain rot.
I was gonna say, really? AI to parse a timeline? Overkill