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  • 132 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • There is no point to living. For every single reason someone found, someone else doesn’t care about that at all. If there is a point to living, we haven’t found it yet.

    That said. Try self-improvement. Read about psychology. Analyze your own mind. You might find some stuff pointing you towards something.

    For example. Why do you say “I save most of my paycheck. What for? I have no idea” and “I don’t want to travel because it costs money” just a few sentences apart? This doesn’t make any sense. You save money for nothing yet you don’t travel because it costs money? To me, this suggests some conditioning you’re a victim of, something like just following some predefined set of rules because someone (probably parents) once said “you should be saving money” and “you should not spend money on unnecessary things”. But these are just arbitrary beliefs. You don’t have to follow them.

    Or. Are you afraid of something? But kinda would like to do it if it wasn’t scary? Go do it. What have you got to lose? Nothing matters anyway, right?

    You might just notice if you do these two things, there is actually stuff to live for, you just haven’t found it because you either had social conditioning or fear that stopped you from it.

  • Das mit den 3 Direktmandaten ist halt auch iwie irrelevant. Die Direktmandate kriegen ja nur die mit den meisten Stimmen… Da muss es dann halt echt ne Kleinpartei schaffen, in einem Wahlkreis die stärkste Kraft zu sein… Das geht halt fast nicht von jetzt auf gleich, die Chance dass das ne etablierte Partei wird ist extrem viel höher.

    Das geht halt irgendwie nur, wenn ne Partei komplett neue Lösungsstrategie für irgendwas hat, die sonst keiner bisher hat… Aber die meisten Kleinparteien sind einfach bessere/schlechtere/spezialisiertere Versionen von den größeren Parteien… Wenn ne größere Partei das meiste abdeckt, warum dann die kleinere wählen, die eh nicht in die Regierung kommt…

  • Es ist halt absoluter bullshit dieses System. Du hast zwar recht, aber eben auch nicht. Es ist halt einfach so, dass wenn die Partei, die du gewählt hast, nicht die 5% Hürde schafft, deine Stimme für die Regierungsbildung komplett irrelevant ist. Die anderen Punkte, die du genannt hast, sind natürlich valide.

    Dass das so ist, scheint keinen zu interessieren. Und logischerweise auch nicht… keine der Parteien, die jemals an der Macht sein wird, wird jemals was an diesem Wahlsystem ändern. Sie würden ja nur sich selbst schaden. Die einzigen, die daran was ändern wollen würden, wären die Kleinparteien… und oh Wunder, wenn die über 5% bekommen würden, wo sie wirklich möglicherweise was ändern könnten, wären sie keine Kleinpartei mehr und hätten auch keinen Anreiz mehr, etwas daran zu ändern!

    Selbst in diesem Artikel ist nicht auch nur mit einem Wort erwähnt, wie bescheuert dieses System ist und wie es besser eigentlich sein müsste. Präferenzwahl hat zwar auch Probleme, die nicht zu 100% gelöst werden können, aber ist um Welten besser. Es gibt literally keinen Grund, das nicht zu benutzen, außer dass es halt ne Umstellung wäre.

    Aber ja, solang das nicht so ist, ist taktisch wählen sinnvoll. Genauso sinnvoll ist es auch, Kleinparteien zu wählen. Nur muss man dann halt in Kauf nehmen, dass die Stimme nicht für die Regierungsbildung zählt.

  • That’s because this topic is in special focus today, for you and many others. But it’s really not different to treating someone shitty for any other reason they can’t do anything about, like being bald or small or whatever.

    It’s just always shitty to treat people shitty, it’s not a contest who least deserves to be treated shittily.

  • Azzu@lemm.eetoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy would'nt this work?
    5 days ago

    There are multiple forces at work in a converging rocket nozzle:

    1. The exhaust is pushed outward faster since the hole is smaller, giving the rocket extra thrust
    2. The exhaust hits the wall of the nozzle as it gets thinner, braking the rocket

    These two effectively cancel out, which is why the actual effect of making the nozzle thinner/converge is that it increases the back pressure within the engine (constricted space, smaller hole), essentially (idk how) increasing the efficiency of the fuel burning.

    However, when the nozzle gets too thin, the exhaust becomes faster than its speed of sound. Since the pressure travels at the speed of sound, it can now not actually get back into the engine anymore. So that’s the limit of how thin you can make the nozzle. The pressure has to get back into the engine to have its effect, so you can’t make the exhaust travel faster than its speed of sound.

    If any of this sounds wrong to anyone, let me know, I’m not an expert in this.

  • I agree kinda. However, I’m not discouraging them as to their protesting potentially being useless now. I’m trying to stop you from doing that negative thing/showing others it’s fine to do it now.

    There are valid reasons why not to protest/revolt before the election. No one knew how it would turn out, Rs could have been crushed. Even with Trump, it wasn’t incredibly likely that he would let Musk completely dismantle everything. Of course it was a possibility, but it’s a bit different to protest a possibility and to protest something actually happening, so I think it’s fine if you would protest in the one case but not the other.

    Was that more helpful?

  • Azzu@lemm.eetoProgressive Politics@lemmy.worldShutdown 315
    11 days ago

    It’s more use posting it here than not posting it here. People here can see it and share on traditional social media.

    However the question is if there are any labor organizations officially participating in this. If not, this seems a bit weird. And what are the actual demands? Change to what? These are the bigger problems than the location of the post.

  • Azzu@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldLooks like a pretty good life to me.
    11 days ago

    I’m not saying this doesn’t suck, but

    “commute”, if public transport, is 2 hours to be on dating apps (or to say hi to people if you’re so bold), “bathe” is 1 hour, “get in bed” is probably 30 mins. So 3:30h daily in your specific example to possibly be on dating apps.

    But apart from that… I live alone, and daily chores are 0-5min. Making and eating food is 20min. 1h Bathing you don’t need every day, 10min shower is fine. How can you take 1h to go to bed, takes 5 mins for me. That would theoretically free 3:20h for relationships, which is fine each day.