Am I the only one that gets this? I tried uploading a video but can’t seem to regardless of file size. Toggling between sections makes no difference. Also unrelated but having so many different sections of lemmy makes it difficult to know where to post. I just found out posting this that I need to be subscribed to the support / questions in order to post here.

    3 months ago

    Do you have a noscript extension or a JavaScript blocker on? That was the only way I was able to replicate your problem just from a bit of testing. You can browse using (the old reddit-like theme mlmym) without JavaScript. Try it and see if it works for you.

    FYI: Bumping didn’t bring it to my feed, probably would only for people sorting by “New Comments”. I won’t lie, I was just checking your history to see how long you’ve been logging in for, just to tell people this site sucks in unrelated comment sections.