Sad but kinda hilarious. appears to have a better succession plan in place through the nonprofit organization…
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Sad but kinda hilarious. appears to have a better succession plan in place through the nonprofit organization…
The only other thing I have tried when colours don’t work right is to modify the metacity and gtk theme files. (Save a backup first, then) modify the colours of various white elements to various ones in the rainbow until the mozc popup colour changes. Note that you have to restart every time for it to take effect.
Oh great I can copy that to my invitation list to Canada.
It has to be something that is nearly fully outside your control but is affecting you, there are probably milder problems as examples but I think this apt.
In the metaphor, half of the answers are asking you to do a useless workaround, blame you and/or are irrelevant to solving the problem. Hence the leak, where the answers are telling you to try running your taps for 10 minutes, put a bucket under the leak, telling you that there is no leak and that’s actually a water fountain, etc.
I do worry about putting up public servers that other people might rely on because there’s something I might not realize making it vulnerable.
So far I have pubkey root login only on the VPSs I’m messing around with, but my ol’ reliable private key from 6 years ago might be beginning to fall behind on encryption standards.
Excellent résumé.
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The important thing is this: has a rental agreement been signed? If yes, you are protected against BS fees and extortion. Ideally, the lease agreement is in this standard form, and then you can see in section 10 if this is a refundable key deposit or Section 6 for details on utility fees if something is required upfront. You need to read through it carefully regardless, it will save you confusion.
If you have NOT signed but you are moved in based on a verbal agreement or agreement in principle, then this is what you do: take screen captures of the listing if it is still up, save as much info on this as you can, and get advice ASAP from tenant unions and free legal resources other commentors have mentioned. And do not forget that you cannot be discriminated against for your need of a prosthetic limb.
If you figure out it’s a legit ask such as for the reasons I described above, and not just because they can abuse or scam you, I can donate some to you. I know it’s stressful but I’m not willing to donate to the landlord to simply appease them. Also check out my reply from your post yesterday.
Well it is more like your ceiling is leaking from the apartment above and your landlord ain’t doing shit. Installing Linux would be like moving out to another apartment or home. Even if it doesn’t fix the leak the problem is now gone for you.
Canadian troops report that the White House ignited even quicker than expected, due to an overabundance of discarded McDonalds wrappers and shredded documents.
This gave me a good laugh. 🤣
Oversight and balance of power is for Democrats, silly!
No, we don’t need to normalize relations with Russia, at least until they withdraw from Ukraine.
You can be evicted in 7 to 60 days, depending on the reason. But you must be served one of these forms for you to be legally evicted, and the clock starts when you receive that. Usually that happens only when things are serious. Only the most pettiest of landlords would try to evict over $50 (and moreso over random asks like this).
Keep your rental agreement that you signed safe. Does it include any charges that might cost $50 (e.g. you lost your keys on the day after you moved in and had the landlord replace them, or a heating bill or something)?
If you get an N4, it reads there how much the landlord thinks you owe. If you pay rent weekly or more frequently, you have 7 days to repay it (if the charges are legitimate) before you can be legally evicted. Otherwise you have 14 days.
Remember to request receipts if you pay your landlord anything in cash. If you use a personal cheque or have mutually agreed to pay by electronic transfer, you have a digital record.
You can ask politely what the $50 is for, and yes you can ask to defer until your first paycheque comes in.
Not a majority consesus but a plurality of the voting population asked for this man to lead them…
I love my Seattle and Portland PNW neighbours, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to let this unilateral aggression from DC slide.
Heyyyyyy welcome to the “being threatened by the USA because Trump felt like it” club!
-EU + Denmark, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Panama.
Even if many could not vote, they attended rallies, decorated their front lawns with Trump flags, and took to social media to support the man they thought would prioritize removing Nicolás Maduro from power.
Wait what? Who gave the Venezuelans this idea that Trump would do that? He has a solid years-long record of cozying up to dictators, and Maduro is one. I did find a couple statements imploring Maduro not to mess with the opposition Machado but not much else.
120km/h Hitler is just raising his hand to answer or ask a question. 160km/h Hitler is just showing off how flexible he is.
Today was gonna be the day, Oasis would come back to you.
Monday, it would be too much of a coincidence to see a lot of my coworkers missing at the same time, and seeing people talk to nobody beside them would make me think I’m going crazy.
On the weekend I’m not forced to interact with anyone so I could feasibly go without noticing.
On Lemmy, two’s a crowd (or a flamewar).